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Yoongi's POV

"Geeh, smiiiiile."

"Go away." Yoongi said grumpily, digging into his ramen. Hoseok just moved the camera to Y/N who smiled at him and then hid her face behind her hand.

"Hoseok, I can't be on camera!"

"Stop harassing my wife." Hoseok turned the camera on himself.

"Awww, Suga does not want to share her." He said in a chiding tone before moving away. Yoongi heard a snicker and turned to see Y/N smiling. He checked to make sure Hoseok wasn't looking, no sense in encouraging him, before smiling back.

"I'm glad you could come today." He said before putting more noodles in his mouth. "How is archery going?" She finished chewing before replying.

"It's okay. The regulars are better than me. But they can understand me when I talk. You should come sometime. You can just drink the coffee if you don't feel like extra exercise." She said in reference to the archery cafe she had started regularly stopping at on her way back from classes. He liked how her eyes crinkled up when she smiled. In some ways it made her look a little East Asian, which he thought was adorably weird. She looked up at him and he blushed. He'd been staring at her again.

"You keep doing that." She said, waving her chopsticks at him.

"Doing what?"

"Staring at me. Why? I've checked, my third eye isn't visible."

"No reason." She gave him her 'I don't believe you' look and he smiled self-consciously. Once again he had to stop himself from just coming clean and getting it out there. He looked away. In a way, the contract helped him a bit with managing his feelings. He knew she would always be his. That would have to be enough.

As always, practice and working on new music went late. When he found her she was curled up in a corner of the practice room, her textbooks open. She had fallen asleep on them. He couldn't help but watch her for a moment. It was 3am. He bent over and gently shook her.


"Are you ready to go home?"

"Deh." She said drowsily, her eyelids fluttering. He put her books in her bag and shook her again. This time her eyes opened. "Are you done?"

"Neh." She shakily stood up and he carried their stuff out to the car. In less than a minute she was asleep again. He woke her up when they got home and they both tiredly waited for the elevator. His heartbeat sped up when the doors opened as she hooked her arm around his and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I don't know how you do this all the time." She whispered. He didn't reply and just hoped she couldn't feel the thud of her heartbeat. At their apartment, he dropped their bags in the master bedroom and by the time he came back out she had already fallen back asleep on the couch.

"Y/N." He said softly. No movement. She was sleeping like a rock. He tried shaking her and got no response. He didn't want to just leave her out here, it felt wrong. He worked his arms under her and picked her up, finding her slightly heavier than he had expected. But he didn't mind.

"Yoongi-ssi." She stirred when he laid her on her side of the bed, reaching up to grab his arm.

"I'm here." He said softly and before he could stop himself, he gently stroked her hair. And she smiled. Why am I doing this to myself, he wondered.

"Mmmm, I'm glad." She drifted back to sleep, her hand sliding off his arm. This was torture.

He changed and turned out the light. Was she really sleeping? He listened for her breathing. His teeth worried his bottom lip as he tried to talk himself out of a thought that had crossed his mind but he wasn't strong enough. Just once. He made his decision and before he could rethink he leaned over, kissed her temple and whispered,

"Saranghae." He knew she wouldn't hear it but it felt good to say it. And scary. Because even though she was asleep he felt vulnerable.

That was okay, he told himself. Even if it was just him and the night, with her sleeping, he wanted to be vulnerable with her.

He wished he had the courage during the day.


Hey, everyone!  My first author's note haha.

When I wrote most of the first draft for this I totally didn't expect it to be this long.  I've only published half the written chapters and the story's still not done!  

I don't have a problem with writing something this long but sometimes it's nice to read something shorter, jaja?  I have a story idea I'm toying with for those people who aren't emotionally ready to commit to a long story arc right when they start this.

I'll give you one little preview: it's probably going to feature Taehyung.

That's all!  Happy Saturday!

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