His Little Friend

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Y/N's talk came the day before her brother flew back. Yoongi was in the studio and she was in the living room. She had slowly started to go back to dancing and now she was practicing some simply moves, trying to get her endurance back after weeks of laying around.

"I like him." Unbeknownst to her, her brother had walked in and she jumped slightly. He held his hands up.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." She was wearing a sports bra and, if you looked closely, you could see the beginnings of her bump forming.

"I hate being so jumpy." She grumbled, stopping the music.

'You got a minute?"

"Yeah, sure." She plopped down on the couch right after he did. 'What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about your husband."

"Did you threaten to beat him up?" She joked.

"No, I'd be worried about you beating me up if I did that." His tone was teasing but they both knew there was a hint of truth in his words.

"Then what?" Her brother turned and looked her square in the eyes.

"Admittedly, I haven't known him for very long. But you both go well together. And he treats you well."

"And?" She prompted when he didn't continue.

"I'm worried that you're letting your fear control you." She bit her lip and looked down, suddenly finding the couch cushion more interesting than him.

"Probably." She finally admitted.

"I don't want my sister to deny herself something she wants because she can't adapt her life to her circumstances. Loving and being loved isn't bad."

"It was for me." She said quietly.

"You know I'll respect whatever decision you make. But seriously think about what you'll regret more. Losing him or staying with him. Just think about that okay?" She nodded, not really wanting to continue the conversation. Everyone was telling her to open up, let go, not let fear win. So why was it so hard to bring herself to do it?


She was still reflecting on that as she stood in her underwear and bra that night in their bedroom, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hand was on her belly and she was trying to see if you could tell yet that she was expecting. She was so lost in thought she didn't hear Yoongi's studio door open.

They both avoided talking about it. They were married, they found each other attractive. But the possibility of the end of their relationship hung like a pallor over any attempt to bring up sex. So neither did. She didn't get changed in front of him, except for when she'd needed help after her surgery. Yoongi respected what he perceived as the vibe she was giving off and tried to keep his eyes off her, reminding himself that one day she might not be his so there was no point in thinking on it.

It was with this in mind that his hand slapped over his eyes and he turned and leaned back against the door jamb, his face warming. Y/N never walked around without her clothes on so it hadn't occurred to him to knock to enter his own bedroom...Her head had whipped to the door as soon as it opened, followed by the sound of his body hitting the side as he covered his eyes and turned away.

"Shit. Sorry, sorry! Can you...um...can you..." He reached out with his other hand, pointing at his nightstand. "My charger?" Don't think about it, don't think about it, he spent a lot of time thinking about not wanting her. Telling himself not to. But blood wasn't just rushing to his face.

"Here." She picked up her shirt and held it up against her body as a not-real-good cover as she held his charger out to him. He tried to turn his body slightly so she couldn't see but she did.

"Thank you. Sorry." His ears felt hot and he walked back down the hallway quickly, closing his studio door behind him and leaning against it.

"Thanks a lot." He muttered, looking down.

Y/N hadn't moved as he walked away, a hard to decipher look on her face. She was hiding it but she hadn't expected one of pregnancy's symptoms to hit her as hard as it is. A symptom that almost made her want to go after him and not let him hide himself from her. But that wouldn't be fair to him. She had to keep it under wraps. She could do it. A little too well.

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