The Day of Reckoning

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Y/N was bored. Lee wouldn't let her come into the office. The nurse, Sohyeon, wouldn't let her do anything herself. It felt like all she did was try to eat, throw up, and sleep. She didn't feel well enough to text Mark and ask him if he could come over. She considered it rude to start puking in front of guests, especially if you knew it was coming.

She found a part of herself wishing Yoongi was here. She did like spending time with him, despite the constant war going on inside her.

Her phone lit up. A text from Lee. The former Chairman had awoken.


"Are you sure you feel well enough..." Y/N stopped and shot Lee a look.

"I'm fine. And I will be fine because you've brought a whole frickin' boatload of security." She said scathingly, looking back at the guards that were following them into the hospital. Lee pursed his lips but didn't reply. Her face softened. "Sorry. Did you notify my husband?" He nodded.

"Good, let's get this over with." She squared her shoulders and walked determinedly into the hospital, drawing eyes from everywhere as she headed towards the elevators.

"Holy shit, that's that BTS guy's wife..." She heard whispers but ignored them. She hadn't realized just how much people knew her until after the attack. She hated having security following her everywhere, yet another restriction on her freedom, but she knew Lee was just doing his job. She'd almost died, who could blame him?

"No, throttling." She smiled a little at Lee's joke as they arrived on the private floor that had been set aside just for the ex-Chairman. She saw his adviser standing there and she cocked her eyebrow at him and the security standing behind him.

"What...not going to let me see my beloved uncle?" She asked sarcastically. The adviser adjusted his glasses nervously.

"Is this really necessary..." Her jaw clenched.

"You should've asked that back when he put up that job post." She walked forward and stood face to face with the adviser, staring him down until he cleared his throat and stepped aside.

"Thank you." She smiled brightly, hurriedly stepping past him. "You've made a good choice." Her phone buzzed as she walked towards the room and she looked down. Yoongi.

She debated ignoring it. She knew what he'd say. wasn't right to keep doing that to him. She knew he was genuinely concerned.

"Hello?" She stopped right outside the door, seeing inside that the ex-Chairman was awake.

"Y/N, your assistant texted me. Just do me a favor and don't go see him, okay? There's no need." She didn't reply and he sighed. "You're already there, aren't you?"



"Don't tell me what to do, Yoongi." He wanted to stay married. He didn't want a divorce. And things like this were exactly the reason she did.

"Okay, please..."

"I'm not discussing this with you. I have to see it. I have to see him..." She stopped, a lump forming her throat.

"You have to see what?" His voice was softer, calming.

"I have to see him feel the way he made me feel." With that she ended the call, feeling the anger she'd carried all these months course through her veins. Feeling the shame, the powerlessness, the humiliation. She needed this, she needed closure.

His wife was there but when Y/N entered she stepped to the side, leaving a confused ex-Chairman looking up at the woman who had just entered. His adviser hurried in after her but was quiet. He could say nothing.

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