She Looked Good

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Yoongi's POV

Hoseok's adorable attempts at speaking English did cheer her up slightly. You didn't need to speak much English to shop, just give a thumb's up if you liked the outfit. He tried to forget their situation and focus on having fun. It was hard but he partially succeeded. And despite how frail she looked from her lack of eating she was definitely beautiful and complemented the clothes.

It was mostly Hoseok's show though, with Yoongi watching. Hoseok was the one pulling clothes off the rack and pushing her (gently) into the fitting room when she protested. Yoongi held the bags, he liked it better than interacting and stressing over what word to say in English. It made his brain hurt.

And he watched her. He could tell she was a sweet person. Maybe in another time and place...but it was this time, this place, and if he had the option he would leave the whole situation behind in a heartbeat.

"Suga-yah, you need to make sure she eats." Hoseok said when they stopped for black bean noodles. "Order her food every night if you have to. She's too frail." Yoongi just nodded.  She picked at her food at first but, realizing Hoseok was watching her intently, did eat some of it.

"More shopping?" Hoseok asked when they were done. She nodded and hesitated.

"Uuuuuh....chaekee sayo. Book shopping?"

They both knew of an English bookshop with a wide selection in Seoul so that's where they took her. There he saw a look he'd never seen on her face before; he wasn't sure what it was. She just stood staring, at first, through the glass and then touched the door handle like she was afraid it'd disappear. It wasn't 'til they were inside that he realized what that look was: the look of someone who thirsts for knowledge and delights in it. The look of someone who has discovered the fount of wisdom and will cherish it for the rest of their days.

First, she wandered up and down the aisles randomly pulling books out, looking them over, then putting them back. Her delight was amusing.

"She is so funny." Hoseok whispered. Eventually she found a book that captured her interest and sat right down on the floor to read it. Hoseok went to look at the comic section. Yoongi set the bags next to her, she didn't even look up. He wandered around for a bit and eventually found the language section. It was well-stocked and he found himself looking through the Korean ones. At some point he found a thorough (at least in his opinion) introductory course that he thought seemed well-done. She would probably learn more from it then that stupid tutor.

The more he thought about it the more he wondered if it was really necessary to have that tutor. As long as she learned Korean did it matter who taught her? He pulled out his phone and googled Korean tutors in the area. He found a guy who had a good profile and was available tomorrow so he sent a quick inquiry message. He'd have to stay home later than normal but it'd be worth it if he never had to worry about his uncle's tutor having access to the apartment. He checked to see if she or Hoseok were around and quickly purchased the course he'd been looking at, going to find Y/N when he was done.

She was still on the floor reading. Yoongi slipped his purchase into one of the bags and sat on the floor too, cocking his head to see the title of the book she was reading. It was a book on Greek philosophy.

When Hoseok came back she got up, put the book back and continued browsing. She mostly stayed in the non-fiction section although she did venture into the teen section to find Harry Potter. She handed it to her shopping friend with a questioning look and he smiled encouragingly. The next book she handed him was "Jane Eyre". Yoongi felt his face grow slightly hot. Though he hadn't wanted this he could easily see her finding that book a little too similar to their situation, minus a previous wife, of course.

She would've stopped but Hoseok wouldn't let her leave without picking out a few more. Yoongi thought she had a wide and interesting collection of tastes in books.

"Yah, do I have to carry all these myself? My arms are tired."

"You didn't help with the shopping." Hoseok took a bag anyway.

"Yeah I did, I just didn't fawn over every outfit." Yoongi grumbled.

"She looked good in all of them." Hoseok observed quietly.

"Yeah." Yoongi didn't want to think about that.

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