Girls' Code

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Yoongi couldn't come home right away, he'd be landing and going directly to the company for some meetings. And then he could come home. The band had announced a break. Their touring was done. Promotions were wrapped up. They'd been going nonstop for years, they were due for a good long rest. They would keep working on some projects and there were plans to release some more Run BTS episodes but, finally, Yoongi could be with her. And not have to worry about leaving. He was relieved. Her brother was coming next week and he was mentally prepping for an English conversation he knew they'd probably have, one that would most likely involve a lot of threats of bodily harm to him.

He felt like if he could have her close then maybe everything could turn out okay.

Mark had started coming over again and Y/N had more energy and was healing right on schedule. So to her it didn't seem a big deal to decide to go out for the night with Mark. Yoongi wouldn't be back till late. She just wouldn't drink. Mark had promised to introduce her to some of his friends and she was always looking to expand her social circles. Clubs were dark and she'd learned a thing or two from Yoongi, she was confident she wouldn't be recognized. So she had no qualms about giving security the night off and they had no suspicions that she was planning on doing anything other than sleeping.

She had debated announcing the pregnancy to Mark but something kept holding her back. She wasn't sure what it was but she knew she only had a couple months to do it. And at some point they needed to announce it to the world as well.

"Hey, Gorgeous." Mark had become extra flirty but she continued to chalk it up to him being scared that she almost died.

"Hi, yourself. Where we going?"

"It's a surprise." He winked, smiling big. But the moment he turned away his eyes darkened and the smile disappeared. He followed the news. BTS was back tonight. He had become obsessed with tracking their movements, especially Yoongi's. And the BTS saesangs made that easy. He'd been trying to get her to come out with him since Yoongi left but she'd been too tired and sick. This was his last chance. Yoongi didn't deserve her and he was going to prove it. She could do a lot better.


"Well this is loud." She laughed, holding the drink to her lips. Despite his insistence, she'd gone with a nonalcoholic beverage. It was annoying but he had a backup plan in case that happened.

"Feel like dancing?"

"Sure." She took his hand, her grin big and wide. She hadn't smiled like that in a long time. To him it was a sign.

Yoongi's POV

Yoongi sighed and tossed his phone into his bag. He'd played games with it for most of the flight and now it was dead. He had been going to text Y/N but she knew they'd have landed. He'd just get this meeting over with as soon as possible. He could've charged his phone at the office but once he sat down in the meeting he felt too lazy to move.


"How about a Jager Bomb?"

"Mark, I already told you. I'm not drinking, doctor's orders."

"It's just one shot, they'll never know." Y/N was becoming exasperated. Why was Mark being so pushy?

"Just get me a water or something." She said flatly, turning her back on him. To her she was putting an end to an uncomfortable conversation. To him it was the opportunity he needed. The water was brought and with a quick flick of the wrist it was more than what it seemed. She was thirsty so to his delight she downed most of it right away before setting the glass back behind them on the bar. Korean water sometimes left a funny taste in her mouth, like this time.

"You want to dance some more?"

"I'm feeling tired, Mark. I think I want to go home."

"Oh, c'mon. One more dance?" What on earth, why was he being so pushy? Seriously.

"Mark seriously I..." She felt a wave of tiredness hit her and she staggered. She was tired of arguing with him. He hadn't really introduced her to his friends, mostly kept them away and her on the dance floor. She really wasn't having fun, she'd been wishing she'd stayed home and waited for Yoongi instead.

"Hey, you okay?" Mark's arm was around her waist and she nodded, gripping onto the bar.

"Yeah, I'm just a little..." Her brain suddenly felt very fuzzy and she felt Mark's arm tighten around her waist. What was...

Her drink was sitting right in front of her and a horrific thought suddenly passed through her brain. She'd felt like this before. Right before passing out.

"You sure you're okay?" There was only one way she'd go from suddenly feeling fine to about to sleep for 300 years. She kept her eyes fixed on her glass, mentally willing herself to stay conscious. No, she would not stop seeing. She would stay aware. She was afraid but as long as she was upright with her eyes open she would know what was going on. Aware, she needed to stay aware, but she felt so distant...

"Mark, I'm going to throw up." She said suddenly. He frowned. That wasn't supposed to be a symptom. But hey, the bathrooms were private...She tried to step away from the bar and felt her legs almost give out. He caught her. Yoongi, Yoongi, she needed him. Right now.

"I'll help you." He practically dragged her to the bathroom, his course set and goal in sight when...

He opened the door to the girls' bathroom to help Y/N in and a group of women snapped their heads around to look at him.

"Uh-uh, Mister. Females only."

"But she doesn't feel good..." One of the women stepped forward and gripped onto Y/N's arm, shoving him back.

"Wait out here. I'm not trying to be rude but girls' code." One of her friends, severely drunk giggled, and the woman made a pouty face at Mark before letting the door close.

It was okay, he just had to be patient. Almost there.

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