Too Late

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Comments shaming Y/N for her reaction to the abuse she has endured will be deleted. Her behavior is not to be emulated but is consistent with the aftermath of an abusive situation and I have chosen to portray it realistically and use my book to (hopefully) point a healthier way forward.  I feel like I shouldn't be having to tell fellow BTS fans this but... apparently I do?  If you have questions I'll be glad to answer them but shaming will be deleted.

Yoongi's POV

It was some time before he managed to move and then it was only to text Hoseok and ask where he was. At their apartment, with the others. It felt like a huge weight had been dropped on his shoulders, making it hard to move. But he did. He got there.

He tried to punch in the door code but his fingers shook too badly so he settled for a weak knock instead. Evidently, after the text, Hoseok had been keeping an eye out because he opened the door with a puzzled look on his face. Why hadn't his hyung opened the door himself? He still did have a room here after all. But before he could ask any questions Yoongi took a step towards him and gripped his shirt, hiding his face in his brother's shoulder. Um....okay...Hoseok was getting a little worried and gently patted his hyung on the back.

"Hyung..." That's when he felt Yoongi's shoulders shake and a garbled sob slip out of his mouth. Yoongi's grip on Hoseok's shirt got tighter as he struggled to even begin to express the pain he was feeling. Hoseok stumbled back when he felt Yoongi's full weight lean into his body but kept them both upright, only to jump when a loud, high-pitched scream came from the man he was trying to hold up. It sounded like someone was either getting murdered or tortured and now Hoseok was alarmed.

"Suga-hyung, what's wrong?" Come to think of it... "Where's Y/N?" He asked as the other band members came hurrying into the entrance way, wondering what on earth that chill-inducing sound had been. Jimin had no idea what was going on but seeing Yoongi's distress he walked over and wrapped his arms around both Yoongi and Hoseok. Yoongi said nothing at first, just sobbed. He didn't know how to say it. If he did it would make it real.

"Gone....gone...." They finally managed to detect some mumbling.

"Gone? What..." Jimin and Hoseok froze at the same time, both looking towards the door. Yoongi had come by himself. Y/N wasn't here. Jimin swallowed a lump in his throat before leaning in close and asking what they all needed to here. Please let it not be true...please...

"Did Y/N leave?" The fresh set of sobs was all the answer they needed. Hoseok went still, gripping his friend and brother, his own heart breaking at both Yoongi's pain and his own. Because he had grown quite fond of Y/N, they all had. Jimin felt tears in his eyes and pressed closer, suddenly needing just as much comfort from the hug as the other two.

Jin had gone white and Namjoon had sat down with a thud. Jungkook's hand was up over his mouth. No. No she couldn't have left...

Taehyung just stood there. Watching. Blinking back tears. Next to Yoongi, he'd probably been the most involved in protecting her. Only Yoongi worried more than him when they went on tour. He turned and walked into the living room, jaw shaking, trying to hold his tears back. They'd known, they'd known this was a possibility...

But even so, it felt like they hadn't been enough. Not just Yoongi. All of them.  That hadn't been what she'd intended to communicate but it was what she did.

Two Months Later

Yoongi's POV

Two months. It had been two months since she'd left. Time was supposed to heal these wounds but his heart still smarted as much as the morning he'd found out. They were doing promotions, he put up a good front. But inside every movement reopened the wound that tortured him at night.

Jimin had spent the first week with him when he slept. Or attempted to. He was broken. They all were. But especially him. They all loved her. In their own way. She was a sister, their brother's wife. She was going to make them all uncles. And now she was gone. The divorce papers made no mention of their child. Yoongi assumed that meant she had decided to end the pregnancy and "free" both of them.

But he didn't want to be free.

He was a mess. They were all messes. They put up a front for their fans. They tried to focus on them. Because, in the end, at least ARMY wouldn't leave.

Yoongi alternated between feeling numb, feeling hurt, and feeling betrayed. He'd always known she might leave. But she had said she'd give him till the end of the pregnancy. He knew his hurt took its toll on everyone else but he didn't know what to do. All he wanted was her back. He hadn't healed enough to be able to put up a front.

On the outside everything looked fine. But on the inside Bangtan was in pain.


She was miserable. She'd left to save him pain. She'd left to save her freedom. But what was the point of freedom if you didn't do anything with it? All the things she'd wanted to do, now none of them looked interesting. She moped around with no direction.

At night she got no sleep, crying, desperately trying to not imagine his body next to hers. She missed him so much. Ironically, she actually felt something for their child for the first time. It was her only connection to him.

She was staying at a hostel in Ukraine and after her fourth day of breaking into tears during dinner, the owner finally pulled her aside. Her English was broken but good enough to communicate. She wanted to know what was wrong. Y/N didn't want to tell her but her rebreaking into sobs when the woman asked if it was the father of her child gave it away.

She was sat down in the kitchen with a steaming mug of soup as the woman rubbed her back until she could calm down enough to speak. Why wasn't she with the father of her child? Was he a bad man? No, he was a good man. Then why wasn't she with him? She had been forced to marry him. She was afraid of losing herself, of losing her dreams. The woman gave her an incredulous look. Was Y/N currently pursuing her dreams? Was this what she wanted to be the rest of her life? No. Well then obviously it was too late. She was miserable without her man. To the woman, it seemed like Y/N would be unable to properly function if this man was not by her side. It was too late to change things, the only way for her to move forward was with him by her side. She should go back. He'll hate me. He loves you, dear. He'll get over it.

Another sleepless night. Y/N fought with herself, clutching her belly and biting her hand to keep her sobs down so other people could sleep. It was hard. It was painful. But she had to accept it. Not having Yoongi hurt too much. She felt pathetic but at this moment, looking at her future, she didn't know if she could even move an inch to go to the bathroom unless their hearts had been set right and she'd assured him of her love for him.

She had made a choice. And it was the wrong one. And now they were both paying.

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