When Do Monsters Win?

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Yoongi's POV

There hadn't been any debate, he and Hoseok were on the next available plane to Seoul. He tried calling Y/N's assistant before taking off but the man hadn't picked up. He couldn't focus, he'd almost gone the wrong way three times in the airport. Hoseok gently took his hand and led him right each time. Now he held his band brother's hand, while Yoongi's thoughts whirled. Was she okay? What had she been hit with? Why was she so...white? He shuddered at the memory of her face, blood everywhere. The reporters shouldn't have been allowed that close. Where were her guards?

Hoseok said nothing, knowing just his presence was enough right now.


At the airport, Yoongi moved so fast he almost missed a man holding up a sign with his name written in large, black letters.

"Mr. Min?" The man asked as he approached.


"Mr. Lee sends his apologies for missing your call. As soon as he was done at headquarters he rushed straight to the hospital."

"How...how is she..."

"She's in surgery, right now. I'm supposed to take you there, right away." Hoseok patted Yoongi's shoulder.

"Lead the way."


"Mr. Min?" They were approached by a short, slightly pudgy man who nevertheless carried an air of seriousness and authority. His hair was freshly cut. By his voice, Yoongi guessed this was Y/N's assistant.

"Mr. Lee?" Lee extended his hand and shook both Hoseok and Yoongi's hands.

"It's an honor to meet you both."

"How's Y/N?" Hoseok went straight to the point, sensing how hard Yoongi was struggling to keep himself together. Lee swallowed.

"She has a concussion, several broken ribs, a broken nose, and her leg's pretty messed up. Although, amazingly, that didn't break..."

"What's she in surgery for?"

"Internal bleeding." Yoongi took a deep breath. "They hit her in the face with a brick and kicked her pretty bad."

"Who's 'they'?" Lee hesitated.

"I don't have all the details yet from the police but it seems like they were some pretty hard-core saesang fans..." Yoongi swore and gripped his hair.

"Why didn't she have security?" He said, trying to focus, trying not to fall apart.

"She did but they were taken by surprise. Mrs. Min..." Lee hesitated again. "I don't think she understands just how limited you are when you are in the public eye. She didn't really have time to follow the news so I don't think she fully grasped the depth of hatred some of the fans were directing towards her."

"But still...attacking her?"

"If a passerby hadn't intervened and called the police...it would've been more than an attack."

She could've died. She could've died. Yoongi ran his hand over his face.

"What's her prognosis?" Hoseok asked, gripping his friend's arm so Yoongi had some support and leading him to a nearby empty chair.

"They're trying to stop the bleeding. And..." Lee's voice trailed off.

"And?" Hoseok prompted.

"If they can, we're going to have to wait and see if the baby makes it." Lee said quietly. Yoongi's head snapped up and Lee nodded at him. "Yes, Mr. Min. You're going to be a father." Y/N...oh Y/N...

He didn't say anything, just let memories from the past ten months cross his mind. Helping her dance. Korean BBQ. Her skin against his. Her mistrustfulness and every time he got her to open up.

He felt tears come to his eyes and he sighed shakily, hurriedly wiping them away.

"Can you give us a moment?" Hoseok asked Lee, who nodded and stepped to the other end of the waiting room. "Suga, What are you thinking, hyung?"

"Gah." Yoongi locked his jaw, trying to keep his tears from flowing. This was stupid. Hoseok rubbed his back, waiting for him to organize his thoughts. "Hobi-ssi...I don't want to lose her...I don't want to sign divorce papers..." He brushed more tears off his cheeks. "It sucks. It sucks, what happened to us. That man...she took him on...she won. She's so strong...I'm proud of her..." His voice cracked and he sniffled, trying to get control before speaking again. "Being around her so much...now that I don't have to anymore...I still want to be around her." He couldn't fully hold the tears back and leaned into Hoseok, trying to hide his face. "If I can convince her to stay...does that mean he wins?" He said, his biggest worry next to his wife's life surfacing.

Hoseok didn't say anything for the longest time, just held his friend.

"I think...I think your uncle didn't view you as people. You were just objects for him to use to further his goals. So isn't the greatest rebellion against that to fully embrace your humanity? Deny him what he would normally create?" Hoseok leaned his head on Yoongi's. "You and Y/N should despise each other, should be sick with bitterness and hostility. Should have lost your humanity. But you...you love her. Love is beautiful. I've seen you both together. You're both hurt but you're both still human. He only wins if nothing human emerges from this." Hoseok didn't often talk like this but he couldn't help feeling that love was the most human emotion of them all. A monstrous man only won if he eliminated all the humanity in his victims.

Neither of them said anything for the next hour and eventually Lee came and sat near them, occasionally typing out a text or making a phone call.

They all jumped to their feet when the surgeon entered the room.

"How is she?" They said at the same time. The surgeon nodded grimly.

"She'll make it. I'm not so sure about the baby but she will make it." Yoongi covered his face, relief washing over him. And tiredness. His adrenaline was draining away and now he could feel how tense his muscles were.

"Can we see her?" The surgeon shook his head.

"Not till she's moved out of recovery."

"Thank you, sir." Lee emphatically shook his hand.

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