Korean BBQ

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Yoongi's POV

Once again he buried himself in his music. He knew he had thoughts and feelings he needed to confront but he was scared to. He shouldn't, he wrote music against the very behavior he was exhibiting, but that was it. He was scared. It did fuel his creativity, giving him ideas for new music. Music he wasn't ready to have his bandmates listen to just yet.

A couple days later he came back early and told Y/N to get dressed. Which wasn't actually necessary because even her every day clothes were stylish. But it gave him time to find his most inauspicious clothes. He wasn't worried about people recognizing her but him? He didn't want to think about how pissed his uncle would be if someone identified him and started looking into her.

Or himself. He wouldn't be happy even if his uncle wasn't involved. A life of random people chasing you and trying to grab you wasn't something he wanted Y/N to deal with if he could avoid it. So black it was.

The key to staying hidden was being in places with lots of people and moving quickly. If there weren't a lot of people around, the ones who were got bored and started noticing more of what was going on around them.

He found himself wishing that she was less of a fast walker so he could have an excuse to hold her hand but she kept up with him and he felt her presence always close behind him. Then he chastised himself for those thoughts. Just friends...just friends...

He didn't tell her where they were going and she didn't press him, instead focusing on absorbing the sights and sounds around her. She came out so infrequently it was like experiencing Seoul for the first time over and over again.

Y/N's face lit up with a smile when they stopped outside of the Korean BBQ place.

He was confident they wouldn't be noticed, a bottle of soju had him relaxed enough for her to see his more light-hearted side. And he enjoyed the music of her laughter. Which was followed by his when she told him her brother thought she sounded like a dying hyena when she laughed.

"Do you want to take a selfie?"

"N-Neh." He stuttered as she came over to his side of the table. He could smell her conditioner again as she crouched and held her phone up. He made the peace sign. She made the heart sign. "Send it to me."


Mark apologized and the subject wasn't broached again. But it bothered him that she didn't seem to have issues with how he believed her husband treated her. Yoongi was always so cold when he was at their place. Why didn't she go for a guy who made time for her? A guy like...oh...him?

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