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Five Years Later

Things didn't heal overnight. Yoongi still had his hurt to work through. Y/N still wrestled with her choice, feeling pathetic for having made it. But they moved on. They healed. Together. Their daughter, Min Rhee-Ann, was born three months after Y/N proposed. While she had many uncles, Hoseok happily accepted the position of godfather. They held a small wedding ceremony, inviting only family, later. While legally they'd been married for awhile, since the divorce had never been finalized, they considered this the start of their actual, voluntary marriage.

Yoongi continued to work on his music, even while completing his mandatory military service, and worked hard to make Bangtan's fans and his family happy. He had everything he wanted and was content. He hoped to get his daughter into music although he experienced a minor setback when, after watching hours and hours of Dora the Explorer, his daughter gave him a heart attack by declaring the theme song the best song in the world. Y/N assured him she'd eventually grow out of it but he had the look of horror that only a father who has willingly subjected himself to hours of a child's favorite cartoon, and is now faced with many hours more, could have.

Y/N finished her master's and finally found her way into English education, the industry that she had originally come to Korea to work in. They both started a foundation that she spearheaded, creating English programs in underdeveloped countries. She also started a business analysis magazine, lobbying for more transparency and accountability in Korea's business environments.

Bangtan was mostly just happy to have her back and she repaired her relationships with the other members fairly quickly.


Y/N knocked and opened the door, balancing the plate on her rounding tummy. Her husband sat, eyes focused on the computer in front of him, their daughter watching the track flow by on the screen.

"Have you finished writing her first mixtape?" She teased, setting the plate down in front of him.

"I just need her to get old enough to record." He was mostly joking but, if his daughter ever did want to get into music, he would be thrilled. He kept his eye on the computer screen but reached out to gently stroke Y/N's belly. Rhee-Ann was almost five and they had decided to expand their family five months ago. This pregnancy was moving along more smoothly than the last.

Some days he couldn't believe how lucky he was. He had his music, his brothers, his wife, his daughter(s). And his love for Y/N had only grown in the past couple years.

"I love you, Min Y/N." He whispered, eyes still on the computer screen, Rhee-Ann's head leaning back into his chest.

"And I love you, Min Yoongi."

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