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Mark noted that she had been considerably less bubbly and distracted the past couple days, since Yoongi had come back. He tried to gently broach the subject, after receiving her apology on behalf of her husband, but met a wall. Y/N kept finding herself thinking about touch and wanting it, then she'd analyze that and feel distressed.

She felt like she was letting her emotions take over and control her. She was trying to focus on her Korean and dance but it must not be enough since her mind kept returning to those thoughts. And Yoongi. He wasn't that talkative and sometimes she felt really ignored but she knew he cared and was concerned about her well-being. Months ago she had felt a little happy the times he'd be away. But that was before she had realized he wasn't in on what had happened to her, to them. Now she found herself missing him when he was out working. She had almost no friends and no one else would be able to understand what she was going through.

"Are there any archery clubs in Seoul?" The question was so out of the blue compared to the grammar he'd been covering, it took a moment for Mark's brain to switch gears.

"Uh...sort of. Why?"

"I want to get out. Make friends."

"You spend most of you time in here. That's a good a idea. Am I not enough of a friend though?" He teased and was rewarded with a smile.

"You are a good friend. I'm grateful at all the extra time you've spent helping me adjust to Korea."

'"I remember what it was like to first come here as a waygook. It's my pleasure." He paused. "But why doesn't your husband do things with you?" She looked away, her lightened mood gone in an instant. She always did whenever he brought up Yoongi.

"He's busy. He does what he can."

"If he brought you here he should at least help you get adjusted." She turned back and gave him a warning look. He hesitated but continued his line of thought. It was now or never... "I never even see him touch you. You both don't seem like you're married, it seems more like he's holding you against your will..."

"He's not." She cut him off so sharply in Korean, he stopped talking immediately in surprise. "Yoongi-ssi is a good man. Don't bring this subject up again." She said, firmly closing her grammar book. They were done for the day, that much was clear. Mark felt bad for overstepping his bounds but he wasn't entirely wrong. And she knew it.

Yoongi's POV

That night when Yoongi came home, she was up waiting for him.

"Anyeonghaseyo." He said, walking into the living room. "Why are you still up?" He asked it more to have something to say but stopped at her answer.

"I...I don't have anyone else to talk to." That got his attention. He set his bag down and took a seat on the other end of the couch.

"What's wrong? Why don't you tell Mark?" The suggestion was bitter in his mouth. "You have him too, don't forget. That's why I hired a Miguk."

"Mark's the problem." She sighed before looking over at him. "Sorry, you should go to bed. You must be exhausted."

"How about you tell me in bed." He offered. He was exhausted. But she wasn't usually like this with him and...he liked it.


She laid flat on her back, looking up at the ceiling, and told him. She had to rephrase a few things because she misspoke a word or didn't know it. But he understood. He was lying on his side, head propped up on his hand, watching her face as she told him the day's events. He had to admit, he liked the idea of her defending him a bit.

"So what bothered you the most?" Her lips said Mark's nosiness but her fingers started absently stroking her arms. He wondered why she was doing that instead of running her fingers through her hair and huffing in annoyance. "Do you want me to do things with you?" He asked suddenly, then mentally kicked himself. She didn't reply at first, her eyes still on the ceiling. He was grateful for that because he could feel heat in his cheeks and knew he was blushing a little.

"Of course. And we have. We went to the Han River, remember?"

"But it's been awhile."

"Well you're busy." She said practically. There was a pause. "But yes. Besides Mark and your bandmates I don't really know anyone else. Anyone who isn't bad." She corrected before yawning. Her eyelids were fluttering. "Yoongi-ssi, what are we going to do?" She said softly.

"Bwa?" They weren't usually like this and he was savoring it. Normally when he got home it was late, dark, and she was in bed, already conked out. They might talk a bit in the morning. He slept and she usually made him breakfast, despite her protestations that she would burn everything one of these days, so he could sleep more.

"Do we have to live like this for the rest of our lives?" Sometimes it was hard to follow her since she mixed Korean and English but this he understood. He didn't reply right away, laying back and thinking.

"I don't know." She didn't say anything, just turned and flicked off her bedside lamp. He watched her for a bit, feeling something strange in his chest. He felt...close. Then he had a thought that sent his heart pounding and, before he could talk himself out of it, he reached over and took her hand. The curtains were closed but a few city lights peeked through, illuminating her face as she turned to look at him in surprise. "I don't know what will happen but you won't face it alone." He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and move to withdraw, only to be surprised when she didn't let go. She didn't have to see his face to know he had a question written all over it.

"I don't want to be alone." She said quietly, looking away. She sounded so vulnerable it almost felt like he was talking with a little girl. He left his hand there for a bit and then abruptly withdrew, pushing his pillows closer to her side and laying on his stomach. He felt along the sheets, threading his arm through hers before taking her hand again.

"I won't leave you alone, Chingu." She squeezed his hand in response.

"Gomawayo." His heart was beating fast and he was so, so glad he didn't have to let go. Why? He didn't know. Or he knew and didn't want to face it.  

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