Mark Meets the Maknae Line

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Taehyung's POV

There was a knock on the door later in the afternoon. Jimin was still here, both Jungkook and Taehyung had joined him. Jin had enlisted Yoongi in cooking everyone a delicious dinner. Namjoon had offered in his stead but had been chased out of the kitchen, the reason cited being that Jin didn't want the whole building burning down. He was on his way back to the hospital but had some errands to run first. The maknaes and Y/N were just watching a drama, her appreciating the silence TV brought with it.

And silent it was till there was a knock at the door and Mark walked in, eyes furtively darting around the room. When he saw no Yoongi his posture visibly relaxed.

"Y/N?" She looked up and smiled, holding out her hand.

"Mark!" He squeezed it and took a chair next to her bed, not letting go. Y/N noticed and tried to slip her hand out but he gripped it tighter and she wasn't feeling strong enough to fight it.

"How's my favorite pupil?"

"Alive." The others watched him silently until he turned and gave a small bow.

"It's an honor to meet other members of BTS in person." Jimin and Jungkook smiled politely, sizing him up. Taehyung's face was completely blank.

"When are you getting released?"

"The doctors think another week and I should be good to go home. I'll need to take it easy."

"That was horrible, seeing that on TV. I'm glad you're okay." She smiled, trying to extricate her hand again and being unsuccessful. She wasn't sure what had gotten into him. "Make a list of things you want to do and when you're released we'll do them, k?" She nodded, her smile starting to fade. Mark seemed different, off. Before she could reflect further Taehyung coughed and stood up, walking around the bed and firmly pulling her hand out of Mark's. He said nothing but the look on his face was clear, he did not like Mark. And at the moment she was definitely feeling kind of weirded out.

"I'll text you when I'm ready to start lessons again."

"We can do stuff without you studying, I don't want you pushing yourself." The others exchanged looks with raised eyebrows. Who the fuck was this guy?

"Okay." Maybe her close encounter had scared him and he was still regretting all the times he'd pushed her on her relationship with Yoongi? Maybe that's why he was acting so...possessive...worried? Suddenly she was hesitant to tell him about her pregnancy. She wasn't sure why, maybe it was just denying reality but she held her tongue.

"Do you want to watch with us?" Jungkook asked, trying to distract the newcomer. Taehyung was still protectively hovering by Y/N and Jimin was resting his elbows on her bed, leaning forward. Mark looked at him and shook his head, grinning broadly.

"No, I have another student I need to get to. But thank you." He stood up and bowed again.

"See you, Y/N."

"Bye, Mark." The door had barely closed before Taehyung opened his mouth,

"Who was that?" Y/N sighed, she'd felt the tension in the room when Mark had kept clinging to her.

"My Korean tutor. Yoongi-ssi hired him to help me get adjusted to Korea after...after..."

"He's kind of weird." Jungkook said gently so she wouldn't have to complete her sentence. She nodded, a puzzled look on her face.

"Yeah, I don't know what's gotten into him. He's never acted like that before. I don't think he likes Yoongi-ssi know he did kind of throw him out of our apartment one time and I'm the one who had to apologize. So I guess I can't blame him..." Taehyung was biting his lip, looking at the door Mark had just left through. He wasn't sure about that guy. He didn't want to tell Y/N what to do or worry Yoongi-hyung but Mark was giving him a weird vibe. He opened his mouth but looked back and saw Jimin shake his head slightly. He shut it.


"That guy was weird." Taehyung said later. Everyone but Yoongi was heading back to the apartment to get some rest, with Hoseok promising to be back bright and early the next morning. Jimin was walking beside Taehyung and they were a little ways back from the rest of their band brothers.

"Yeah." Jimin ran his fingers through his hair. "I think...obviously Yoongi-hyung trusts him. He stopped in once before and he hired him. But...I don't know. Let's keep an eye on it. They both have a lot going on, I don't want to add more stress."

"But when we leave for tour we can't do anything." Jimin pursed his lips.

"Let's let that Mr. Lee guy know next time he stops in." Taehyung ran his tongue over his bottom lip and nodded. But a part of him felt they should be doing something more.

Something just felt off.


Mark's POV

Mark had always known that Y/N's husband was Suga from BTS and at first he had felt some regret for his bad thoughts when the news had broken. But now...Y/N deserved so much better. She deserved to be with someone she freely chose. His heart hurt when he saw how her associations had hurt her so badly. The bruises on her face....

She was obviously still choosing to be with Yoongi, even though rumors of a divorce were rampant. Netizens claimed she'd seen a divorce lawyer and the papers were ready to be signed. Maybe it was just because she was still recovering? Why else would she remain with someone she'd been forced into a marriage with? Someone, in his mind, who had treated her so coldly when she was suffering mentally?

He'd walked in there planning to show her something different and had been slightly annoyed at Taehyung preventing him. But it didn't matter. The new concert dates had been announced. Soon enough he would have her to himself.

And he wasn't going to let BTS befuddle her mind and keep her from what was good for her.

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