Chapter 18

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The sea felt unwelcome tonight, as it had since Roze had been murdered. I checked over my shoulder more than once, but even so, he snuck up on me. "Ronan, what are you doing?" he accused.

I shifted around, trying to keep the body hidden behind me. "Mako, you're out late," I commented.

"Don't try to hide anything from me. I saw you leave. Now, what are you hiding?" Mako insisted. "You've been acting strange ever since the Queen laid you off."

"It's nothing," I lied.

Mako's ghostly blue eyes gave away his disbelief. He swam around me quickly. He was always the faster of us two. "Ronan, what have you done!"

"You don't understand, brother!" I cried. "He said he'll destroy the Sirens for me. For Roze!"

"Who could have promised you that?"

"I don't know," I faltered. "He spoke in my head. Just like the Kitsune. Remember what they told us in school?"

"You stole a girl because a voice in your head said that it could give you revenge?" Mako snapped, grasping the girl's arm from behind me and tugging. The bubble around her head shook dangerously.


"What exactly did he tell you?"

I checked once again for anyone listening. "He said if I delivered the Kitsune girl to him he would kill all the Sirens in revenge for killing Roze."

"You idiot!" Mako yelled, voice echoing ominously through the water weeds. "This isn't the Kitsune girl! She would have colored hair! Haven't you been paying any attention when the Kitsune visit?"

"But he said she often goes off by herself in the woods!" I shouted back. "This has to be her!"

"You mean you went on land to find her? You used your legs? You must have a death wish."

The use of our legs was illegal. If anyone found out, I'd be thrown in prison at best. "You don't understand," I snapped. "I have to do this. Roze was all I ever loved!"

"No, you think you alone loved her? I did too! But you can't ruin others lives because she's dead! If you don't return this girl, I will report you."

"Go ahead, Mako. I'm giving him the girl."

Mako only shook his head and swam away. The girl stirred and I grabbed her arm quickly, to pull her away.

He's right. You have the wrong girl.

So? I thought. What's so special about the specific girl?

She's very important, the voice replied. Get the right girl, or there's no deal.

No! You have to kill them!

And I will, eventually, whether you prove your worth or not. But you won't live to see it. Besides, I had thought you would fail. So I made a deal with the Sirens as well.

"Ronan! Stop on order of the Queen!"

Two pairs of hands enclosed my shoulders. It took little effort to stop me. Mako grabbed the girl gently, her long black hair piercing the outer edges of the air bubble around her head. "Ronan, you are sentenced to life in prison, for use of legs and kidnap of the shifter."

"Should you ever get out, you will be killed," added the disgusted voice of Queen Nerida. I bared my teeth at her. "Mako, find some of the resident Boto and send a message to Aurum. We've found her missing student."

"You knew there was a student missing?" Mako gasped.

"Yes, Aurum informed many in hopes of finding Anvi Patel. I never imagined we'd find her here," Nerida explained. "I believe the Boto who informed me is still here. Kailani Maliah, I believe her name was."

"Right away, my Queen."

"As for you," the Queen turned to me. "I'll see to it myself that you never see your wish fulfilled."

"My wish was for the Siren's destruction," I spat. "Good luck keeping that promise."

Nerida narrowed her milky gold eyes at me. "General, call off the troops. We won't be declaring war on the Sirens today. And set an execution date. The sight of this creature makes me sick."

So, I've been on hiatus for a while because of a medical emergency. Let's not say much on that and move on.

Short chapter but I figure I'll update on Wednesday again, hopefully, and then you'll get more content than usual this week.

I just reached 2K on the first book so thank you to everyone who read that. You're the best!!!

Question of the Chapter: My school has a spring break that isn't connected to Easter so I'm on vacation this week. What are your plans for spring break?

My Answer: I'm in New York right now with my family and I'm having a great time.

See you soon!!!

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I reverse hate you all!!!

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now