Chapter 47

19 4 13

Lark Tanning

Early the next morning, I was shaken awake by Megan. "C'mon," she snapped. "Aurum wants to meet with us."


"Aurum wants to meet with us," Megan said again, breaking down each syllable. I frowned.

"Okay, I got that part," I yawned. "But why?"

Megan shrugged. "Beats me."

"Nothing beats you," I joked. "Got any ideas?"

"Why don't we just go and find out for ourselves?" Megan suggested.

Megan left the room and I scanned my surroundings. All of my bags were packed days ago. This time it was sadder to be leaving Vale.

I met Megan in the kitchen and we set out for Aurum's office without a word. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon and Vale was getting up to start the day.

Megan knocked on the heavy wooden door of her office and waited for the invitation to enter. "Sit down, girls," Aurum instructed. We sat in front of her desk and waited. "We've decided to lift the permanent guard on you, Lark."

My eyes widened. To be completely honest, I'd forgotten that Megan and Ed were my "guards". "Really?"

"On one condition, though it's hardly something you'll dislike," Aurum spoke slowly.

"What is it?"

"You have been invited to stay with the Viribi Warriors and train for the last month of every summer you attend school. Courtesy of some of the friends you made last summer."

My jaw hit the floor and Megan smirked. "You're welcome," she mouthed.

"You did this?" I squealed.

"Me and some others." Megan shrugged.

"I'd agree to this with caution, Lark," Aurum advised.

"What? Why?" I questioned. "Wait, does this mean that Ed and Megan wouldn't come back to our team next year?"

Aurum hesitated. "Not necessarily. It's their choice. If they wish to come back, they are always welcome." I turned to Megan.

She sighed and shrugged. "I like you guys alright. I'll come back." I relaxed a bit. "Ed will, too. I know he will."

"That's what you need to be cautious about," Aurum explained.


"Edward," Aurum stated. "A spear may be used as a walking stick but that doesn't change it's nature."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively.

"She means, he's a weapon, Lark," Megan intervened. "So am I. Just because you guys get the doughy eyes around each other, doesn't mean he's any less likely to fight and forget about you when asked."

"Okay, and what's that got to do with me?" I snapped, face flushed. "Dough eyes? I'm not sure what you mean but Ed and I are friends, just like you and I."

"Yeah, okay." Megan rolled her eyes. "We'll talk more later."

"Your parents have already been informed," Aurum added. "We'll see you in Gyanganj in two months."


"There's no time for couples or dating when training as a Viribi Warrior," Megan said later.

"Well, okay, but what about Nicasio and Tempest," I pointed out.

"That's different," Megan huffed.


"Because they're just fooling around. They're not actually together," Megan explained.

"Well, neither are Ed and I and we're not fooling around," I snapped.

"What happened last night then?" Megan challenged.

"We danced, what's the big deal?"

"It was not just a dance. Ed is your Siren," Megan pointed out. I didn't even question how she knew.


"Your his, too!"

Well, that was new information.


"You are Ed's Siren. You, without red in your hair, with brown eyes," Megan explained further. Me before I found out about shapeshifting, in other words. Me, as in the real me, without any fancy powers.

"What's the problem?"

"The problem is that you're both going to get hurt," Megan snapped. "Just... be careful, okay? Remember what I told you about him and Ravenbourne. Nothing will get in the way of him and his goals. Not even if it kills him."

"I'm fine," I insisted.

Megan arched her eyebrow but said nothing else.

Update 1...

Question of the Chapter: iPhone or Android

My Answer: iPhone

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now