Chapter 36

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Anvi Patel

Adding five more people to the boat really weighed it down and we were slowed significantly in progress. But we had a general idea of where the Sirens' hideout was.

Or at least, Arielle and Lark did. "Tell me exactly what she said to you," Arielle insisted. Lark rolled her eyes.

"You'll be valuable in the end," Lark repeated for the millionth time. "And then she took one of those cord things with the rocks and swam away with her Siren friend." She glanced at Ed and it would've taken an idiot to not understand what that meant. Though, to be fair, I don't think Ed had caught on yet.

"The same cord thing Mako gave us?" Arielle confirmed.

"All that does is give us more evidence that Mako was really a Siren and probably the same one that appeared with Bailey," Lark growled in frustration.

"Yeah, but that rock probably actually came from the Sirens, right?" Arielle explained. "That means it came from an island with rocks like that. And if we're really lucky, it's probably a barren rock with lots of caves. And we passed one on our first day, remember?" I didn't but I had been drowning so I didn't say a word.

Lark was nodding now. "That would be on the Wisconsin shoreline!" she cried excitedly.

"That's great that you two can agree where we're going," Lance scoffed. "But we can't actually get the boat moving fast enough to make their this century."

I looked around and realized we were dead in the water, and paddling wasn't doing much to help. "Maybe some of us could get out and push it?" Ryker offered without conviction.

"No," Harper cut in. "Leave it to me." She sounded so confident, I didn't want to burst her bubble but we still weren't going anywhere with her just sitting there and scrunching her eyes shut.

"Um, Harper," I whispered. "Nothing's-"

Suddenly, the boat pitched forward and rocked. "Whoops," Harper giggled. "Just haven't tried for a bit. Can you take the paddles out of the water? They might cause some resistance."

Ryker and Lance carefully pulled the paddles out of the water and suddenly, the boat zipped forward. I clutched the side of the boat in fear. "What the hell are you doing?" Arielle yelled over the wind.

"It's my Statem," Harper shouted back. "I can manipulate the wind."

"Well, whatever it is you're doing," Lance laughed. "Keep doing it, just aim for that thing there!"

In no time at all, we were in the shallows of a barren island, with lots of caves. "Exactly what you ordered, Arielle," Lark said in awe.

"It's a lot bigger up close," Arielle admitted.

"That is how perspective works," Lance scoffed. I elbowed him. Having gotten used to his easy-going humor these past few weeks, I was blindsided by the glare he sent my way. I glared right back.

"Some people should go head off Atlantis, try to stop them from advancing," I suggested. "And some of us should stay here."

"I'll go down," Megan offered.

"Me too," Ryker added. Cander moved towards their group, along with Nesia, Harper, and Chetan.

"Arielle, will you go with them too?" I asked. She looked disappointed but nodded anyways.

"Wait, but both Quest leaders will be in the same place," Nesia pointed out.

Hero shook his head. "This is real life," he sighed. "In real life, there are no Quest leaders."

Nesia nodded but didn't look less worried. "Do you all have a cord?" Nesia and Cander were given extra cords. "Look for Nerida specifically. Tell her what's happened. If you run into Mako-"

"We'll manage," Arielle promised me. I smiled thanks and they all turned back towards the boat, pushing out from the shore a bit and diving in. Lance and Ed rowed the boat back in.

"Now what?" Lark asked, scanning the rocky shore.

"Now we wait," I sighed, starting to sit down.

"Anvi, look out!" Lance bowled me over and I twisted my head to see what had happened. Everyone had dove for small bits of cover. I saw Luna, Hero, and Quinn all scrunched behind a rock.

"What?" I snapped under my breath. Lance glared at me.

"Sorry, I just saved your life," he hissed, gesturing towards a black arrow sticking in the ground.

I peaked over the edge of the rock and I saw Bailey standing with a bow at the the entrance to one of the caves. "You never were a very good shot," Lark shouted, stepping out from behind a barren shrub.

"It wasn't intended to kill you," Bailey replied. "Only warn you to leave before we do kill you." Lark spat on the ground. "Have it your way."

Bailey launched forward, dropping her bow and retrieving her blade. She didn't break it apart into two, this time using it as a broadsword.

Lark met her halfway, her katana already in an overhead arc. Before I could oggle at their battle, I saw tons of very attractive people start to spill over onto the beach. Lance pushed away from me as quickly as possible and ran to head them off.

I drew my rapier, knowing it's length could aid me. The blade, however would not hold off heavy opponents. Rather than risk it, I squeezed the handle and felt it collapse into a heavy and compact chakram. I'd have to get in close to use it well but it would be worth it in the end. I picked up my second one and held them both in front of me.

Leaping towards the first Siren I saw, fighting Ed. Her brown hair caught my blade and I jabbed it into her back, hearing her scream as she fell to the ground. "Thanks," Ed panted. I nodded, not bothering to watch as the Siren returned to its original form.

Together we sliced through quite a few more Sirens, before he ran off in the direction of Lark. I had lost sight of Bailey but I knew she was here somewhere.

I was almost thankful for the fight. Staying focused was hard but the fighting at least kept me distracted from the form of my Siren. I could barely tell what color hair they had, let alone who, if anyone, they looked like.

Lark took off running towards a cave, Ed on her heel and I saw a brunette disappear into the black depths. Bailey was running and Lark wasn't about to let her get away.

I took a deep breath, refocusing myself and squeezing in between Lance and Quinn to join them, only to stumble when I thought I was looking it a mirror. Were they fighting... me? No, the girl in front of me had curly hair and my eyes never glowed like that. Actually, I'd never wear anything like that... it was so revealing!

I blinked and backed away. "I don't want to get tangled in with that," I muttered.

Final update of today... unless I change my mind later.

Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite flower?

My Answer: Hibiscus

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now