Chapter 13

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Nesia Aldin

I rubbed at my drooping eyelids, yawning in spite of my late start. Stumbling out of Quinn and I's shared room, I made my way to the kitchen and greeted Hero.

"How late did you stay up?" Hero asked, voice quiet as usual.

I glanced up at his cornflower blue eyes, always surprised when he knew exactly what was wrong. "Not that late," I lied. Hero arched a brow but didn't comment. He was perceptive, but it didn't stop me from lying.

In truth, it hadn't been much that had kept me up. I just couldn't sleep. I couldn't help feeling something bad was going to happen.

Plus, Quinn snored and I still wasn't quite used to listening to it every night yet as we didn't share a room at home.

Luna slouched into the room, long (usually) stick straight blonde hair in a frizzy mess. "Nice hair," Hero teased to which Luna glared at him. Cranky Luna.

The blonde sat on the stool next to mine and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I feel like just going to class like this," Luna groaned, eyes shut tight. I raised my eyebrows and patted her head.

"Do what you want," I pointed out, still patting her awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" Luna asked.

"Patting you."

"What am I, your dog?"

Hero gave Luna a look and snorted. "No, you're my wolfy," I laughed.

"Weirdo," Luna mumbled. "Can I borrow your hairbrush?"

"Where's yours?"

"I think I left it at home."

"Liar," Hero accused.

"Okay, I just really think your brush looks cool," Luna half shrugged.

"Use your own brush you weirdo."

"You called me wolfy and I'm the weirdo."

"You don't need to brush your hair," Hero interjected. "You look nice already." Only someone who knew Luna could call the small dusting of red on her cheeks a blush.

"Would you two just kiss already, damnit." I turned in my seat and looked my sister up and down. Leave it to her to say what we were all thinking.

Luna coughed awkwardly. "Gross."

"Always so blunt, Tigris," Hero laughed. He was always so laid back when she teased him.

"You know it," Quinn winked and sat on a third stool. "Can we go to breakfast now?"

"No," I said quietly. Quinn gave me a weird look.

"It's still really early, Quinn," Luna added on. "No one else has gotten up." That wasn't what made me say no, though she had a point. I could just feel that something was going to happen. I wanted to avoid it.

Quinn knew something was bothering me and I had a feeling the other two did as well. I tugged at the end of my long hair uncomfortably. "Nesia?"

"Yeah?" I answered. Quinn squinted at me.

"Have you read the news today?" Hero interjected. Thankful for the change in subject, I shook my head a bit too vigorously. Usually I read it at breakfast.

It was only a little while until we departed for our first meal of the day and my stomach was in knots. I didn't even know what would happen but I knew I wouldn't like it. "Nesia and Quinn Aldin?" I froze.

Aurum looked down at us sadly. Fake sympathy. That's what it looked like. "Yes?" Quinn sounded a bit threateningly.

"You two should come with me," Aurum told us. I clasped my hands together, to keep from shaking.

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now