Chapter 28

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"My Queen..."

I didn't react to the trembling in his voice. 

"M-my Queen?"

Again, I didn't answer.

"The Sirens are here."

"Then bring them in," I rasped. "Let's not be rude to our guests."

The great coral doors swung open to let in a procession of shimmering beautiful creatures. They all seemed to change between the different guards' physical attractions. Their devilish smiles dazzled through the water. 

I snarled. "Turn off your trick or you will all be slaughtered where you are," I warned.

Their faces stopped changing, but they did not dare change to their original form, for they would drown. There were a total of four Sirens, each holding a corner of a great throne. In the seat was strapped a skeleton so old, it seemed to be fading away to dust. 

Thousands of years would do that to skeleton. A normal body would have decomposed in fifty years but not one with Siren blood, let alone royalty. The throne room of the Sirens, which I'd been to exactly once in my life, was filled with the skeletons of the royal line. 

But the last Queen had died without any heirs and so the Sirens just carried her around on her throne for thousands of years. 

"How... sentimental of you," I sneered. "How long has it been now? How many thousands of years have you celebrated of anarchy?"

The quartet glared at me but didn't engage in conversation. "You've been killing my soldiers," I said, cutting right to the chase.

"They've been crossing the line," one of them said in a sweetened voice.

"What line?"

"Our boundary line," hissed another.

"No," I disagreed. "You've been crossing the boundary line."

"Your contradictions hold no value to us," the first sneered. "So why should we believe you?"

I chose not to answer his question. "Out of the kindness of my heart, I had decided not to declare war on your kind."

"Out of fear, you mean..."

"Don't make me regret it."

"You will."

I narrowed my eyes at them. "Your people are scattered. You have no government. You have no right to claim land. It's the Mermaid's generosity that lets you stay on those islands and the water around them."

"If you try to take our land, you will fail," another one warned.

"And why is that?"

The four grinned at each other and responded in unison. "Because you turned him away. And now he's helping us."

A chill spread down my fin.

Sorry, I forgot to update yesterday. Short update too...

Question of the Chapter: What character do you most relate to in this series?

My Answer: Who do I most relate to? Probably Nesia... who am I most like? I don't know there are little parts of me in all of them.

I might not be able to publish next week Thursday because I'll be at Scout Camp but I'll try to remember to next Saturday.

See you then!!!

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now