Chapter 46

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Bailey Parker

I left camp in early morning and made my way to Vale. It was risky as hell and I had no way to guarantee I would go unseen but I had some unfinished business.

By the time I arrived, there was barely anyone in the streets. A light danced in the distance and I realized it was emanating from Oakhaven. It was the bonfire.

I sprinted across the empty square, hood up above my shoulders, and started climbing the ladder up the huge oak tree. When I reached the fire, I stayed on the outskirts, away from the students and climbed up into the branches to watch from above.

I watched Lark approach Ed and I felt slightly jealous in the fact that she was continuing to live without me. I grew envious of Arielle's beautiful smile. I hated Harper's carefree dancing and Anvi's eyes filled with light.

And I hated Megan most of all. She'd taken my place seamlessly. There was no hole from my former role on my team. I was hardly missed.

If looks could kill, she would have been staked, buried, dug up, and then staked again for good measure. However, my look just drew her attention to the foliage. I shouldn't have underestimated her. She found me almost immediately but to my surprise, she didn't give me away.

Even when Arielle said something to her and then followed where she was looking. Ari didn't notice me. Megan left and I shimmied down one of the branches.

I stuffed a note in Arielle's pocket.

Update 3...

Question of the Chapter: Top ten TV shows.

My Answer: In no particular order, NCIS, Stranger Things, Downton Abbey, Friends, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who, Mad About You, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek, and Lilo and Stitch: The Series.

See you tomorrow for the end!!!

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