Chapter 22

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Harper Magdalena

There was a knock on the door and as it seemed none of the rest of my teammates would get up to answer it, I would. Luna leaned up against the door frame when I opened the door. "Heyo," I greeted.

"Hey," she smiled. "Wanna hang out today? Nesia and Quinn are at their dad's trial and Hero's off being a nerd."

I knew her enough to know "being a nerd" meant he was studying.

"Sure," I laughed. "Just a minute."

I found Anvi curled up on her bed with a book. "You wanna come to hang out with Luna today?" I asked her.

Her gray eyes peered over the roof of the book, quieter than usual. "No, I'm okay," she told me. She hadn't left for anything but classes lately. She'd gotten warier than ever.

I'd been trying to get her outside for days, fearing how pale she was getting from lack of sunlight. The fact that she couldn't remember what had happened down... there... had left her scared beyond measure.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Luna once I'd gotten outside.

"I don't know," she sighed. I arched a brow.

"You wanted company while you waited for Nesia and Quinn, right?" I laughed as Luna nodded.

"What should we do?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "Let's go to the Inner City and see the Gardner."



"You want to go see a cranky old man who lost his son in the worst way," Luna confirmed. "And keep him company? No offense but I'd rather not hang around someone who's depressed."

"He's not depressed and he's not cranky," I laughed. "He's protective though."

"Of flowers," Luna stated dryly.

"Of the souls of dead shifters," I corrected.

"So flowers," Luna snorted.

"Yeah, don't touch them, by the way. He'll go crazy," I commented.

"So we're going to see a cranky old man."

"Fine," I snapped. "He's cranky, but he's awesome!"

"I guess it is close to Silverport, so we'll be right here when they get back from Gyanganj."

"Gardner!" I called, coming up to one of the glowing flowers. Luna peered at the petals in awe, careful to keep a safe distance away.

"Hello," came a raspy voice from behind. I jumped violently and yelped. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Hi," I laughed. "I haven't been here since last year."'

"Yes, I remember you," the Gardner looked at me closely. "You're Harper, correct?"

I was happy he remembered and that he hadn't brought up his son. Luna looked at him sideways. "These are the souls of the dead?"

"Yes," he responded shortly. "That is the general belief. No one can know for sure but more bloom when someone dies."

"That sounds like the most depressing job ever," Luna sighed. "But I guess the flowers are really pretty." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Are you here for a particular reason?"

"We're waiting for our friends to get back from Gyanganj," I told him.

"Interesting. What are they doing there?" the Gardner asked, though I had a feeling he knew.

"Their dad's on trial," Luna admitted.

"I think I've heard about that. The bomber correct?"

"What?" I choked.

"Bomber?" Luna shrieked.

"Yes, he was accused-"

Suddenly, a golden glow fell across our feet. A streak passed by us with nine tails, sprinting to Silverport.

I shall be back within the hour. Stay where you are.


"How do we know she was even talking to us?" Luna whined impatiently. "Hero wanted to meet up for lunch but that's long gone now."

"I think it's best if you two just wait here for everything to be explained," the Gardner calmly told her.

"I agree," I muttered. "It could have something to do with Nesia and Quinn."

"What did you mean by bomber?" Luna questioned the old man. He looked up briefly from his glowing flower.

"I mean exactly what I said. He was a terrorist bomber. The one that attacked the Elven Kingdom just weeks ago," the Gardner narrowed his eyes. "Surely you heard."

"The Elves were attacked?" Luna shrieked. "That can't be right. We would have heard something. We're not dense!"

"Well, that's questionable, if you didn't know about that. And your friends father was the instigator, too," the Gardner shook his head.

"He's only suspected," Luna growled. "That goes a long way."

"And what if that suspicion is proved correct?" he challenged. "How far does that go?"

Luna glared at him, but didn't say another word. "How long has it been?" I wondered aloud.

"It feels like more than an hour," Luna complained. 

"If she went for your friends, it may take longer. Gyanganj is very big," the old man told us.

"So I've heard," Luna grumbled. I rolled my eyes at her.

Soon enough, I saw a faint glow on the ground, telling me they were back. And, sure enough, Nesia, Quinn, a bedraggled man, and a woman I could only assume was their mother, were with her. 

"Come," was the only word she uttered to the two of us. She turned to the Gardner. "There are three boys named Hero, Samar, and Cander in the Third Year cabins. Find them and bring them to my office immediately."

Luna and I shared a worried look before quickly following. I could only assume I was invited because I happened to be there. However, the others were apart of Nesia and Quinn's team. They were obliged to know.

I wasn't about to argue. I wanted to know what had happened.

When the door swung close to Aurum's office, she didn't hesitate to start work. She bustled past us and started spewing information. "Atlantis was bombed by the same person as the Menad Kingdom." Luna opened her mouth but the fox plowed on. "I know for certain because he had help from a phoenix. Your father has an alibi. The Council ignored it."

"Guess you have more control in the courts than you say," Nesia muttered.

"Perhaps we do," Aurum sighed. I nearly missed the glare she sent her way. 

"Who bombed the Elves?"

"Who else?" Aurum groaned. "Who else has a phoenix who's nearly seven already because he sped up her growth?"

"Crevan," croaked the man between Nesia and Quinn. Just then the door swung open and the boys came with the Gardner.

"Sit down," Aurum ordered. "We have to discuss your Quest this year."

Hero looked like he'd gotten whiplash. "Should I go?" I asked.

"Yes, that would be best, thank you," Aurum said distractedly. I smiled briefly to Luna and slid through the door quietly. 

I never figured out what their Quest really was...

Hey, guys. Here's the chapter for this week. It's starting to ramp up a bit, thankfully. I had a fun day today. My Jazz Band Class was outside and it was a beautiful day and then later tonight I'm going to see Avengers ENDGAME!!!!

Question of the Chapter: When are you going to see Endgame?

See you next week!!!!

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now