Chapter 23

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Right. Left. I stumbled and cringed. Left. Right. Just put one foot in front of the other. Right. Left. Almost to class.

Left. Right-

"Hi Anvi!" I jumped violently, breathing heavily. Harper frowned at me. "Are you okay?" I gave a small nod and smiled as best I could. She thought I was jumpy because I was scared of getting kidnapped again.

I was.

But I didn't want her to worry about it. It's not PTSD, just normal anxiety. And anyways, I knew the liklihood of me being kidnapped again was almost zero.

I sat down in the middle the row in History of Henge that morning. Professor Viastan gave me a toothy and slightly creepy smile before delving into the time he met Amelia Earhart, a well known henge.

Lark sipped from her water bottle next to me. For once, I didn't pay attention to the lesson. I watched the water slosh around in the clear plastic for a moment before biting the inside of my cheek painfully.


The air around me acted like a magnifying glass for a sprawling city underwater...

I shook my head quickly. Stop it...

My hair touched the outer edges of the air bubble delicately. Someone was pulling me through water away from the city. Every time I drew in a breath, the bubble got slightly smaller around me.

The air in my lungs constricted.

It's not real. It's not real...

I turned slowly to see who had their hand clenched around my arm. Blue fingers were curled around my forearm, connected to a twisted face.

I was on the ground. Sweet, steady ground. Harper's concerned face hovered over my own. "Anvi, can you hear me? You passed out."

I drew in a deep breath, relishing in the air that was infinite around me. That wasn't a real memory. I wasn't awake for the time I was underwater.

"We're taking you to the Med Tent-"

"No, I'm fine," I insisted. "I'm just-" I searched for what to say before my eyes landed on Lark's water bottle yet again. "I'm dehydrated."

Wow, that's believable in October.

Professor Viastan looked baffled. "Do you need anything?" he asked awkwardly.

I shook my head before pulling myself back into my seat.

I ignored the stares of my teammates and the concerned mutterings for the rest of the day. This wasn't the first time this had happened to me.

The others wouldn't understand anyway. I couldn't explain what was happening to me but I kept having flashes of things I couldn't possibly remember.

The worst part was, whether I remembered my trip or not, I knew deep down that I would have to go back.

It's been a heck of a long time just for a short chapter and I apologize.... so I'll do a double update today!!!

Question of the Chapter: What are your summer plans?

My Answer: I'm doing a whole lot of marching band and scouting and trying to squeeze in some time for reading old books.

See you in a few minutes when I update the next chapter.

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now