Chapter 30

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Nesia Aldin

I peered over Quinn's head quickly to check again. Still no sign of Hero or Luna. What, were they making out in a broom closet?

Didn't sound like them but there was a first time for everything.

I brought out my phone to message them again.

Where the hell are you?

I got no response. Aurum started calling out the sixth years one by one for their solo missions.

Two figures in the the school uniforms rounded the bend and my spirits soared only to realize it was Harper and Lance sprinting along the path. I frowned at the sight of another pair that was late.

My phone buzzed with a message from Hero.

On our way.

"They better be," I muttered as the fifth year Quest announcements started. It seemed like eras had passed before Hero and Luna squeezed into some empty seats next to Quinn. "Where were you?" I hissed.

Luna swapped a glance with Hero and sighed. The white of their uniforms were dusty and there was a grass stain on Hero's left knee, showing they must have tripped in their haste to get here. Even without the obvious dirt on their clothing, it looked rumpled and quickly thrown on. "We were talking with Harper and Lance," Luna muttered quickly. "And-"

Before she could finish, Professor Aurum called us forward to receive our Quest. We lined up on the makeshift stage where the old woman with blue hair held the envelope with our Quest. "Your Quest leader will be Hero Charmont."

I smiled as Hero stepped forward to take our envelope, mouthing a congratulations to him as he shuffled back into line. "Your Quest will be to hunt Kelpie in the Great Lakes."

Hero winked knowingly at Luna over my head. What a cover up we had, I thought sarcastically, elbowing the idiot before he brought a sign that said, "This is a lie. Our real Quest is________!"

He was still rubbing his side as we sat back in our seats and watched as Aurum called up Harper and Lance's team next. "Your Quest leader will be Anvi Patel-" Quinn sat forward instantly and I rolled my eyes. "Your Quest will be to investigate the murder of a Mermaid Princess."

There was a moment of shocked silence before the clapping started. Quinn, oblivious as always, cheered the loudest but Luna and I looked at each other worried. Scared the most, was Anvi. Her eyes were as round as saucers and she took the envelope with a trembling hand.

"Why on earth would she put her through that?" Hero snapped under his breath. I had to agree. Anvi had just gotten back from down there after being kidnapped no less... and Aurum had decided to make her the Quest leader?

Rumors had spread that Anvi had fainted during class, and if that were true, she was definitely in no state to lead a Quest in Atlantis.


"What on earth was she thinking?" Luna growled, as soon as our front door shut. I shrugged, opening the fridge to search for some snacks.

Hero nodded slowly. "This is bad," he muttered.

Someone knocked on the front door and Cander let Lark and Harper through. "How's Anvi?" Luna asked.

"A mess," Harper admitted. "But we'll make it."

Lark looked angry. "What's up with her?" I questioned, nodding towards the brunette.

"Aurum told me she gave a team a Quest to find Bailey Parker," Lark started, voice shaking. I blinked but didn't dare glance at my teammates.

The Siren Song - Book 2 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now