Chapter 34

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Bailey Parker

Nadia already looked like she was seven and she wasn't even a year old. Feeding her worms her whole life would make her grow faster, but it would have horrible consequences. If we stopped now, it would at least slow the process but he would never stop.

Her growing would slow if we stopped but it would always be accelerated and she'd die sooner than she should have.

The scariest part was what she had become. She was just a little girl but it would make so much difference in the end. She was a daddy's girl, no matter how horrible our father was.

When the sisters choose with their labored breath...

I knew the prophecy like the back of my hand at this point. Crevan wasn't stupid. He knew who it meant. It didn't explicitly say we chose opposite sides, but I wasn't sure.

Actually, it didn't say what we chose at all.

Nadia would choose her dad. I didn't know what I'd choose. "Trouble in paradise?" I shivered and turned to the Siren who always took the same shape.

"Get out," I ordered.

"I thought you might want to see your dear Taman again," he teased.

"You were wrong again, snake," I hissed. "Shouldn't you be off playing Mako somewhere?" I gestured to the limp body of the captive Mermaid.

"They agreed," he announced. "Perfectly clear that the Sirens killed Roze and so they left. They're back in Vale."

I turned away. "Idiots," I muttered. I gave them a perfectly clear way of knowing that the Mermaid they thought was Mako was actually a Siren. "This was easier than I thought."

I made Crevan send him a message saying I needed backup, knowing full well I was taking him away from where part of the team was underwater to where Lark was. "Yes, your friends seem to be dumber than you let us believe," he taunted.

"If you don't leave, you'll have two gaping holes in your chest before you can blink," I threatened, grabbing my blade from my belt.

"You'd never hurt Taman," he pointed out.

"And I wouldn't be," I informed him. "Just some Siren scum."

"Now, now, dear," his voice slithered in. "Let's be kind to our hosts."

He'd never been able to get into my mind. I had made sure of that. It frustrated him but he was convinced I couldn't control it. "I was only roleplaying," I spat.

"Well, how are things?" he directed the question at the Siren, still impersonating Taman.

"We're planning for a battle to start within the next few days," he assured Crevan.

"Good," Crevan purred.

"Would you like me to inform Ramin that we were wrong about the foreigner?" I suggested. "We don't want him running around and getting killed."

"He won't," Crevan stated. "There's no need to warn him."

"But he can't use his powers underwater," I pointed out. "He might get killed. We'll need him later on."

"I said, he won't be killed," Crevan growled. "And if he is, I'll blame you."

"Of course," I bowed my head. Ramin Labyrinth wouldn't die. He was more than capable without his fire. Crevan wanted him to add to the chaos.

"You will tell Hirita that I want him by my side when the battle starts. I will wait at the rendezvous point with Nadia and Shireen."

"Consider it done," I told him, turning on my heel.

"Oh, one other thing," Crevan stopped me in my tracks. "I want you upfront and ready to fight. It's time to show them once and for all that you're not their friend."

I nodded curtly before walking away.

Update 1 of today...

Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite musical?


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