Like, Four Years Later?

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Jess and Kayla got super good at the whole spy thing and eventually got to babysit the Avengers. Plus Jane and Darcy.

"Make sure they get fed, no fights, no drinks, and make sure they get dressed properly. Banner doesn't like coffee, if Stark says he has Bourbon with his coffee, that's a lie, and Widow and Hawkeye will be fine." Fury was leaving on a vacation, and apparently he was married. Everyone was shocked, and he smiled when he said her name. Smiled. That was serious, dudes.

"So, we're basically babysitting them until you get back because we are rational agents who can handle it?" Agent Cush asked as he nodded.

"You are. It's her I do not trust. I know you locked my computer screen on a photo shopped picture of me in an Alice in Wonderland costume," he growled as he grabbed his suitcase. Jessie burst into laughter as she twirled a pen in her fingers.

"I am so good at what I do," she said as Kayla smacked her on the arm.

"We need to make a good first impression on them. Be serious," Kayla chastised.

"In hell I will. I will make my first impression as I want to and- OH GODS, IT'S A FALL OUT BOY BAND TEE!" Jessie screamed as she touched the fabric of Jane Foster's shirt as they all looked at her.

"And you are?" Steve Rogers asked, arms crossed and frown set in his face.

"Be careful frowning like that, or your face will freeze again. The name's Jessie or Jess, you all can decide. If you call me Miss Hobbs, I will murder you with a spork." She shook the hands of them, receiving another glare from Murica.

"Hello, my name is Kayla Cush, age twenty four. I will be accompanying you for the next week," she said as she received smiles and quiet hellos.

"Well, I am gonna get some bourbon, so-" Stark was cut off by Jessie grabbing the bottle and chugging it. The entire thing.

"You ain't drinking. Fury told us so." Jessie was obviously going to be drunk, but for the moment she was not.

"I am impressed that you can chug a bottle of aged bourbon, and hold it." Stark said, smirking as she was swaying a bit.

"I can hold it for a time. I just focus on interesting stuff," she slurred. "And right now I don't want to focus on interesting stuff, so I am going to go over to this couch, sleep it all off, and if I find that any of you gave Agent Cush trouble, I have a Louisville Slugger bat with any of your names on it," Jessie slurred before falling like the dead.

"She does realize we have more fighting experience than her, correct?" Natasha asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yes, Ms. Romanov, but when she gets angry it is best to not try and hold her. Last time that happened, Agent Dart had to get stitches in his head and suffered brain trauma," Kayla explained as they shrugged.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Clint asked, rubbing some weird oil for bows on his.

"Carry on as if you would a normal day. Of course, Coulson, Agent Hill, and of course Jessie and I will be watching you all so if you pull something that you wouldn't normally do when Fury was here, you will be locked up in the holding cell that Loki was in, for as long as we deem necessary." Agent Cush walked away, leaving aspirin and water where her now hopelessly asleep partner in babysitting.

For the next two hours, everything was fine. Kayla talked with Pepper, Jane, and Darcy, Darcy taking an interest in the agent who could chug a bottle of alcohol.

"Tomorrow I expect to see her. Its my day off," Darcy said with a shrug. The rest of the Avengers also had the day off tomorrow, so they were planning on just hanging out and getting to know their babysitter agents a bit more.

Meanwhile, Jessie was giggling and hiccuping on the couch because she imagined Fury in a pink, striped tutu and leotard, plus a sparkly headband. Sue found it disgustingly hilarious, and almost sprained a muscle from laughing too hard.

"Jessie! What did you do!" Kayla shrieked as she saw fluff everywhere from the couch cushions.

"I needed armor from the king rabbit. They advance at dawn," Jessie said solemnly, pointing to a random brick.

"Why don't we get to your room? And read some Shakespeare or Dan Brown into that head of yours?" Agent Cush said slowly, as if talking to a three year old. Which right now, it seemed as if she was.

"Will there be fluffaloos?" Jessie asked as Kayla choked with laughter.

"Yes. Follow the truffle!" She pulled out a small candy before getting her stumbling up four flights of stairs, and into her bed, before her head hit the pillows (Jessie's) and Kayla ate the truffle, sighing.

"Well, isn't this going to be fun?" Agent Cush said sarcastically, rubbing her temples in a chair as she locked the security mechanism and drifted off to sleep.

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