In Which They Are Quite Overprotective

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So, Kayla and Jessie were talking about the fact on why Fury's nephew was so hot and awesome and once gave them cookies when Jessie mentioned something that was completely obvious, but she didn't notice. Her mother was a blonde, though.

"Yeah, Banner spazzed when I said hi to him. He kept asking me questions about him. God, he is the most confusing person ever." Kayla giggled(though she objected the word 'giggled.')

"And you're the most obtuse person. You seriously haven't noticed it yet?" Kayla snorted as Jess narrower her eyes.

"What haven't I noticed?"

"Dude, the Avengers are like overprotective dads or brothers with you! Any guy you talk to is, like, boom. Gone or avoids you, unless they know he doesn't pose a threat!" She said as Jessie looked shocked.

"I request a story about this phenomenon!"

"That one time when Agent Jacob picked up your pencil for you? Stark spazzed out and hit him with a blast from his suit and stood between you two the entire time," she said with a roll of the eyes.

"I thought it was because Tony was just mad at Fury for something. I REQUEST ANOTHA!" Jessie yelled.

"Okay, geez. There was this one assistant of Banner's who tried asking for your name because you told a joke and Banner almost went Hulk and then fired him!"

"Holy crap, THIS IS WHY I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR A BOY WHO IS A FRIEND!" Jessie yelled as Kayla laughed.

"Yeah, at least you have an excuse for guys not talking to you," Kayla joked as Jess rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, as if Coulson, Thor, and Hawkeye don't keep an eye on you. You were laughing and talking with a fourth floor agent, and Clint decided hat night would be when he snagged that agent's clothing and sent him a balcony down. He had a broken tailbone or something," Jessie said as Kayla looked at her.

"Seriously? I bet that's the only time that happened."

"Dude, that's one of maybe twenty five. Thor sent a guy to South Carolina via Mjolnir." (Okay, I know I probably misspelled that hammer's name, but seriously. We can't all be Grammar Nazis, I'm only, like, twenty percent German.)

"Why did he even do that?!" Kayla said, voice crazed.

"This guy was staring at ya and he yelled 'NOT HER, MIDGARDIAN,' and turned into the Hulk, but with glorious hair and a hammer." Jessie fought to control her laughter at Kayla's horror stricken expression. "I should tell you these things more often, princess."

"Do NOT call me princess. Wait, there are more of these?"

"Duh, there are dozens. Have any more for me?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"Good, because its still your turn to tell."

"Fine. There was this one guy who was helping you with boxes or something and whatever, and he asked for your number. You kept on smiling like the fool you were, and you refused to tell Stark. He forced the dude to tell him by hanging him by his underwear on the top of the building."

"By thunder, seriously?"

"Duh. Your turn."

"Okay, so Thor sent a guy flying into walls, file cabinets, and other stuff because he stared at you for longer than usual. I almost had a hernia from laughing too hard." Jess's face was already turning red from remembering the file cabinet being totally demolished.

"Well, this one will shock you. As it turns out, Sif gets quite protective of you."

"I call bluff on that one!" Jessie yelled as Kayla patiently carried on with her story.

"This guy agent was asking about her being the strongest female, and then he asked about you since you often hang around making fandom references and giving her new movies to watch because its your thing, and she thought he wanted something out of you, and I think he did, and she punched him into the twenty fourth floor. He's still in the hospital, and that happened two years ago."


"My turn for a story!" Kayla reminded her as she gave a small nod, acknowledging the statement.

"So, as it turns out, Fury is the total dad when it comes to you."

"Jess, I highly doubt that."

"You wanna bet next Christmas bonus? A guy looked at you while you were doing weird and complex paperwork and Fury shot him. In. The Leg."

"Wait, is he the guy who has a totally awesome prosthetic now!?" Kayla asked as Jessie nodded. "Oh my gods, that is amazing. He blasted an agent who tried to injure Thor with a blast from that thing."

"Yup. Come on fellow loner, I have some paperwork I need to do so I don't get fired, but then Stark hired me back." They laughed as they grabbed lunch, returning to their offices.

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