Crying and Freaking Out

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"KAYLA!" Jessie was crying as she texted Kayla to come to her room.

"What happened?" Kayla asked tiredly, as Jess rocked back and forth.

"I heard about Steve's and Bucky's history together. Will you cuddle with me?" Jessie asked, slowly crawling towards her as Kayla jumped back.

"Dude, no! Why me, I have to catch up on missed paperwork!" She jumped back even further.

"But everyone else will just awkwardly pat me on the back and say it'll be okay and then tell Steve and he won't look at me for about three weeks before he finally acknowledges my awkward little soul did that. You will do all that except the telling Steve part and will even get me chocolate!" Jessie explained as she blew her nose, curling up in a ball on the floor.

"I'm texting Adam to come over and comfort you, bye!"

"KAYLA ALL I HAVE ON IS A TANK TOP AND LOUNGE PANTS I LOOK LIKE CRAP!" Jessie yelled after her, struggling to crawl.

"He probably won't even care!" Kayla yelled after her as she ran, not to her office, but to the 36th floor. "Crime, Fantisima is ready for you." She shimmered away, diving down to the ground. Kayla always did her paperwork.

"Well then, this is going to be so awkward it might even upgrade me a level," she muttered, running a hand through her hair as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was up in what had originally been a bun, but now looked like a creation from Lord of the Rings or something. Her eyes had bags under them, and she had on oversized pants and a tank top.

And then he came and knocked as she panicked.

"Sugar Honey Iced Tea!" She cursed as she opened the door to reveal Adam in an old tee and lounge pants.

"Hello, Jessie Hobbs. I hear you are in need of comfort."

Kayla had on her superhero suit on, so far stopping five muggings, a con artist, and a man from squirting ketchup all over his fries. Like, who even does that? On the side. (Although I may find on the side the most politically correct, do not think putting ketchup all over your fries is bad.)

And then, she saw it. She saw a man melt a car and announce that he was the greatest supervillain of all time.

"Yeah yeah yeah, cut the crap. You're giving me a headache with that generic speech, gods. Okay, so you're the villain, I'm a hero. I'm pretty sure you know what happens next." He aimed his melting ray gun at her as she turned invisible, teleporting behind him. "Boo!" She whispered as he yelled, narrowly missing hitting her with it as she dove to the street floor, accessing the fire hydrant.

"Puny hero," he had muttered, styling his dyed orange hair, aiming his gun once again. "What, you a new project of Shield's?" She seemed to be mad at that.

"Nah, you another failed project of Hydra's?" She retorted as he fired his gun. Ooh, she'd hit a nerve with him. Kayla silently laughed as a bullet whizzed past her ear. "Touchy subject, I get it." They continued fighting, Kayla getting the upper hand.

Just as she was about to do the K.O. thingy to him, an arrow whizzed past. A specific hero's from a certain quiver that holds exactly eleven arrows.

"Hello, Fantisima." And there they were. Clint and Natasha.

"Sup Black Widow, Hawkeye. Care to explain why you're here? As I recall, I did not ask for assistance from you two," Fantisima said smoothly as Black Widow stepped up.

"We were wondering why you and your partner, Elementa, were here. We have also been ordered to get rid of you two, or have you join Shield."

"Believe me, Ms. Widow, we're closer than you think." Kayla popped out with a wink as Clint and Natasha groaned.

"Great, we got the disappearing one," Clint muttered as Kayla tweaked his ear before finally getting out of the situation.

Jessie was now on the couch, her head on Adam's lap as they were in silence, except for the slight hummed tune of 'You Are My Sunshine' being hummed by him. But, due to her, uh, unlucky childhood, she didn't recognize the tune. Adam had been informed that she did not know most songs that were childhood tunes, so he could sing whatever song he wanted to, basically. Kayla loved it, because Jessie didn't know the words he mumbled or why, and it was cute.

So, Kayla got back from fighting crime to check in on one of her favorite OTPs. She would've said favorite, but Percabeth exists. So, yeah, that has so far trumped a lot of them.

She basically had a fangirl attack when she saw Adam and Jessie snuggled in Jessie's bed, Adam's arms wrapped protectively around Jess's small frame, her body being pressed tight to his.

Luckily, she saved the tape for future reference, and also because if Bruce saw it he would turn into a not so jolly green giant. And not even his own nephew would escape harm. And also because Jess had at least a scrapbook full of pictures she had taken of Kayla and Colton. It was pretty weird, but Kayla also looked at it when she was feeling sad or bad.

Adam was just sort of happy. He got to hug the girl of his dreams, and was pretty sure that she was the cutest person he had ever seen when sleeping. Her hair was up in a weird bun that looked strange but pretty, face relaxed and serene. Otherwise known as Kayla's face when she's successfully working and not looking at Jessie's ugly snapchats or faces she makes and also trying hard not to laugh at the sock stuck to Thor's face. It happened often. A bit too often.

Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit Jessie oriented. But, don't worry all you Kayla fans, more than you know is coming. More than you know. I just sort of wanted to write that sentence. And also eat a hot dog, but we're all out of hot dogs, so what is a person to do? I have no clue. All I have is a sandwich, so peace out my readers.

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