Fury Gets Some Fun Life

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We all know Fury stinks at being fun. Even Kayla's gold fish from fourth grade had more fun, and it was dead.

So, Agent Cush and Agent Hobbs decided he needed to get some fun.

"I will fire you from this business!" He yelled as they rolled their eyes.

"I don't feel like getting fired today, do you Jess?"

"Nah, being fired last week was boring. Literally people kept calling me while I was trying to watch a certain show for tech support, Fury," Jessie emphasized, as they saw a certain pink tinge to his cheeks.

"Just take me to wherever we're going," Fury grumbled, sinking into his seat, an almost pout forming.

They arrived at their destination, an arcade.

"We rented out the entire thing, so it's devoid of cameras, snotty kids, as well as spraying the entire room with your favorite scent, which I pictured as some manly thing, but is actually pumpkin spice butter rum from Bath and Body Works," Jessie said, breezing through as if she owned the place.

"So, we just shoot each other?" Fury asked, pointing his laser gun at a wall.

"Basically. And there's a five second waiting period if you get shot on the stomach, back, or shoulders. And, hide!" Kayla cried, rolling into the darkness.

There were strobe lights. As if that wasn't bad enough for the eyes, Fury also was a stealth master, shooting them from walls and nooks, earning him the title of cousin to Chuck Norris. Seriously.

"Well then, go karts?" Kayla asked as Jessie gave an evil grin.

"Prepare to be smoked, Suckas." And the race commenced. Jessie ended up winning at it, narrowly missing Fury's wimp gun shot, as well as they went paint balling. Naturally, Kayla won that.

Nick Fury doesn't exactly smile a lot, but he cracked one when he saw Jess almost get hurt by the door. Her face made an imprint on the door.

"I will drive back," Fury said, grabbing the keys from the girls as he squealed out of the parking lot, leaving smoke as the rubber burned. Safe to say Kayla and Jess were clutching each other, realizing their mistake had been made. Severely.

"That was fun," he admitted, after they used each other as support to walk out of the car.

"You're worse at d-driving than a b-baby," Kayla chattered as Jess simply nodded.

"I drive safely," Fury defended as both, jittery with nerves from the spinning carnival ride of a car, attempted to roll their eyes, but failed miserably, almost falling as they got in, collapsing in chairs as Coulson and Agent Hill looked glaringly at Fury, who shrugged before tossing them the keys.

"That idiot," Jess scowled, as coffee dribbled out of her mouth. The ride had been damaging to say the least.

"Remind me that he needs a chauffer," Kayla said as they cracked grins.

"Oh come on, Kayla, you think we haven't tried? The last one was four years ago, and Fury almost shot him," Maria explained as they snorted.

"Guess he's a bit gun shy," Jess joked as they frowned.

"That was the worst joke I have ever heard of," Coulson said as Jess groaned.

"Yeah, well, Fury took away my rights for Captain America puns, as well as Hawkeye puns. And we all know he isn't exactly Nicholas Claus when he gets mad," Jessie muttered as they looked at her.

"Did you just?" Agent Hill asked, her question trailing off as Kayla's face was turning red from laughter.

"By the Heimdall, good one!" Kayla said, cheeks bright red as they threw back their heads and laughed and joked more, the food being taken away for fear of choking on it.

"This just made my day!" They yelled as several agents looked concerned, and Phil and Maria took care of it, urging them to walk past and forget about it. The neuralizers, AKA the flash flash things from Men in Black that Fury ordered because he is obsessed with the movies, had been delayed from ordering. Unluckily but sensibly, Kayla and Jessie were banned from using them. Jessie to say mean things or totally wrong facts and then delete them, while Kayla would probably find a way to delete all of her memory. 

"Whatever loser, I still have an amazing cane," Kayla said, sporting an elegantly carved cane, completely with a large ruby for the hilt, held by black wrought iron. "I can whack people with grace." She waved it around, accidentally cracking glass as they hobbled away, Jessie huffing as she gripped the plain cane, hobbling as they made it to their room, huffing as they laid out on their floor.

"Moral of the day: only let Fury drive if you want a sick day," Jessie confirmed as they fell asleep. Fury had failed to mention that he failed his driving test five times. Each month. For a year. The only thing he ever failed.

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