Awkward Times

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It was one of those days where everything just sort of goes wrong. You know, where coffee spills and such.

But, Jessie was basically invincible. Because of a certain story telling done by Kayla that earned her something so amazing, you'd have thought it was a freaking miracle.

"So, there was this one drunk guy at Taco Bell who said he'd date you, but since Adam was there, he didn't."

"Oh my gosh, that's hilarious-wait, what?" Jessie voice had turned from laughing to serious within a matter of seconds as Kayla froze. She wasn't supposed to tell Jessie, at least, not yet.

"I can't tell you."

"And why not, Kayla?"

"Its not my story to tell." Kayla hadn't told Jessie a lot of things. Most of which Jessie hadn't known yet. Yet.

"I will escape back into the city or I will ask Adam," she threatened, hoping to all of Ares' weapons that she wouldn't have to actually confront  him about it because he was seriously attractive and she basically was as flirtatious as a squash. Squashes were not a flirtatious veggie, that would be the title given to cucumbers, the curvy little things.

"I don't think that's a very good idea, confronting him," Kayla said nervously.

"It's either you telling me or me going to Adam himself."

"Fine. Go to him." Well, son of Coul.

"Good." On the way there, Jessie was contemplating her appearance. She had on low slung sweatpants and a tank top on, since she hadn't been planning on confronting him tonight. She was debating whether or not to just go into her closet and grab on whatever Pepper texted her to wear.

"Hey Adam," Jess said, sitting on a stool near him as her cheeks warmed up to tinge a light pink. She took off her sweatshirt, deciding it was too hot and she was flushed.

"Oh, uh, h-hi," he stuttered, facing her, noticing her eyes were especially a deep blue today. It was one of his favorite shades.

"Is it alright if I ask you a q-question?" She said, averting her eyes from looking at his face for too long. If she did, by Thor she would get lost in his beautiful face.

"Shoot." He was focusing on not noticing how her hair got this amazing tousled look when she ran her fingers through it, how even in sweatpants she looked amazing.

"Well, uh, Kayla said that when we were at Taco Bell, there was a drunk man who said I was hot and would ask me out, except you were there. I was wondering if you knew anything about that." Jessie rushed it a bit, trying to get it over with because it was sort of embarrassing, asking a question like that, to a guy no less.

But oh how Adam remembered it. She had look nice, with rain droplets still caught in hair, crowning her with a small water tiara, cheeks flushed from the wind, jacket pulled tight around her body as she laughed at some joke Mr. Stark had pulled. She looked like heaven. And then there he appeared. Breath smelling like he smoked 24 packs of cigarettes daily, mixed with cheap beer. He was disgusting. Plus, there was all of the exaggerated gestures of affection. A brushing of a dirty jacket coat against hers, as if she wanted that. He had been ready to impale his jugular when the man caught his glare. After that he was scared stiff.

"U-uh, I can't tell you," he said, cheeks now a flaming red probably as she sidled up to him, barely two inches away.

"Please?" He cursed his inability to not think of her and focus on different things, but she was so close. He just wanted to kiss her and hug her, never let her go.

"I, uh, I...." He trailed off as he didn't notice her expression. She thought she had broke him he was stuttering so badly. Her peppermint scented skin was almost touching his, hair near him as he was suffocated by all of the goodness. "I truly am sorry." Her face was downcast, as he wished he could just make her smile again. But it was a secret.

"Goodbye," she called out softly as her foot caught on the leg of his stool as she tripped.

As if by instinct, he grabbed the curve of her waist, faces almost touching as he quickly set her up, face burning with red.

"S-sorry," he apologized as she pulled him into a tight hug. He smelled of the forest, crisp and fresh.

They set back for a minute of awkward silence, and as she turned away, he whisked her around and crushed her against him tightly, feeling as if he was on top of the world.

They both walked away that night with those stupid, lovestruck smiles, not listening to anything and generally just sleeping with the stupid smile on their faces.

SimplyFangirl46, I must thank you for everything you have done to help Le with this one. (Quite literally.) Love you to bits. Also, MaqTheGirlOnFire. Both of them are wonderful writers, and if you haven't heard of them, check them out right now. Love y'all to sugar crystals and back!

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