Old People Without Wrinkles

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Kayla and Jessie officially had walkers. Jessie would've had a wheelchair, but instead, Adam was accompanying her everywhere, making sure she was doing everything she was supposed to and getting her whatever she needed. Why didn't she have a wheelchair? Wheelchair races. That's why.

After the whole kidnapping incident, an Avenger or Colton and Adam accompanied the girls everywhere, and one stood guard outside their door. They didn't mind, as nightmares were very frequent, and they were doing hug therapy. Thor was still getting a handle on it.

More often than not, Jessie and Kayla would go down the elevator together with their walkers, looking the part of old ladies. They had on fuzzy socks, loose pajamas, and their hair was up. They even said the language of old people.

"Whippersnapper, move out of the way for us ladies," Jessie said to Coulson, who was walking directly in front of them.

"You guys are younger than me," Phil argued as Kayla pretended to blush.

"Jess, doesn't this sweet thing just remind you of Charlie? Aw, he was such a sweetheart. Shame he had to leave for Hawaii." They laughed and snickered as they arrived at lunch, eating applesauce and such.

"Hey girls," Colton said, waving to Kayla and Jess, sitting close to Kayla. "You okay, you need anything?"

"Side hug," Kayla answered, as he gave one, smiling. He liked the hug therapy a lot.

"There you are!" Adam asked, looking at his group of friends. "Did I hear that you called Phil Coulson a 'sweet thing?'" Kayla and Jessie nodded as he sat down, chuckling. "Only you guys could pull that off, I swear." He sat down next to Jess, who automatically leaned against him. Colton and Kayla thought it was cute, how they just sort of assumed that they were together, and always did stuff together.

"So, you guys got any plans for this week at all?" Colton asked, arm around Kayla's shoulder as she got comfy, just cool like that.

"Well, I have paperwork to do, but I can play a guilt card," Jessie offered, chewing on her Chinese food.

"Then, we all have nothing to do. I was thinking about having a movie night, you girls can vote for the movie chosen." Ever since the kidnapping, Kayla and Jessie had flashbacks, nightmares, and they were very much so afraid of going out of the building. Hydra was still around. So, Colton wanted to make sure that they were comfortable with the movie.

"Alright, thanks Colt," Kayla said, giving him a small peck on the cheek. Jessie nodded in thanks, wincing as she got up.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt? Do you need to go to the doctor again?" Adam asked, flipping out. He wasn't exactly laid back about her being shot in the chest by Loki. Well, neither was anyone else, but he was paranoid.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Just your average Asgardian wound. Ooh, maybe I'll get a sick scar out of it!" She was excited at this new prospect, looking forward to scaring the newbies, as well as intriguing them with her tales of woe.

"Of course you want a scar," Kayla said sarcastically, grabbing her walker. "Oh jimmy! There went my hip. Call that sweetheart, Phil? I hear he knows such nice doctors." Kayla was going full old lady as Jessie and Kayla hobbled around Shield, raising canes and walkers at newbies, and Clint.

Both retired (heh, retired,) to their rooms, looking at the ceilings. Jessie was thinking of what Loki could've done to Kayla. Kayla was thinking about what Loki did to Jessie. Both were teary eyed, hugging pillows, or whatever was nearest. They were a team. One was never really that far behind the other. Except for, you know, when they needed to be. Because sometimes Kayla was with Colton, or Jessie was with Adam, and it complicated. Not really, but you get the gist, right?

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