Extreme Fights

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Jessie and Kayla were equally having the worst days ever. Kayla had a horrible day.

All of the married agents who either had kids or were having them were fawning over them as she gritted her teeth.

"Don't think, just do the paperwork," she muttered, jaw clenched as she worked on it, pens snapping and cracking as she wrote things down, getting new copies of papers she had ripped and trying to avoid the mom agents.

All they talked about were their kids. Lucy accidentally caught the kitchen on fire, Alex stabbed her father in the chest with a play sword, Rune had taken apart the computer. Who even documents this stuff? They are kids. They're supposed to do this stuff. So what?

The final straw was when Agent Strauss brought in her little twins, each five years old. They looked so curious and happy as she looked at them with a dead expression.

"I'll be at the gym," she said as she walked away, blatantly ignoring the calls of "don't you have paperwork?" Oh well, so she did. So did a lot of people.

She was soon punching and kicking out everything, breaking a punching bag open and setting up another one, making little side comments as she kicked and punched.

"Stupid kids with their stupid looks."

"Who's even that happy? They shouldn't be that happy."

"What a brat." This continued on until she grew tired, sinking to the floor. "Why didn't I get to be happy?" She asked quietly, gym lights dimmed as she caught her breath, sighing. "That's all I ever wanted, really."

Images of her foster parents settled in as she sniffled, curling up as she hugged her arms tight around herself. Her mind, it seemed, forgot about Quentin and reminisced about the bad, as she moped, getting sad as she went up to her room, only to find something at her apartment doorstep.

It was a stuffed animal, resembling a lion. You can still be a bit childish, Doc. She smiled as she instantly knew who sent it. Doctor Kayla was one of her many happy nicknames. It was one of the first happy ones.

"Thank you," she whispered to no one in particular.

Next up was Jessie. She was already having a bad day in general, an agent yelling at her and she also spilled her bag of gummy worms, only yo have the maid clean them up in three seconds. Stupid five second rule did not apply to her, she guessed. Stupid rule.

Second of all, she was fighting with Fury, who was training her at a gym because her home gym had to be revamped after it melted because of Stark testing something on it. Jessie did not like gyms. Not one bit.

"C'mon Hobbs, don't be a weakling!" He yelled it as he threw a weight towards her as she stumbled, falling as it clanged on the tip of her finger. She winced as she got up, facing the bag and slowly becoming dizzy as she sat down, as Fury nudged her a bit. "Get up."

"Need, Kayla," she panted as he rolled his eyes.

"You're fine. Get up, now." She tried to, clenching the cold metal as she rested her burning forehead on it, keeping her breathing stable as she struggled to reach the water, feeling her lips crackle as she took a small, soothing sip.

"I need to go," she said, crawling to the door as Fury snorted.

"You aren't going anywhere until you master the kicks and punches." She tiredly started, arms and kegs hitting it with a certain weakness as she felt it coming. The nightmare.

Everything shifted to it. Fury became one of the boys who was with Werner as her sight was blinded, screaming and thrashing as Fury was in a panic. He didn't know what to do.

"Get Agent Coulson in here, as well as Agent Cush," he said as he hung up, feeding water to the incoherent agent. "What did I do?" He asked as she babbled about a gym. He knew that she had been bullied when she was younger, but he never knew it was that bad.

"Werner, stop it," she mumbled, clinging to his leg as Kayla came in, glaring as she looked for something in her purse. She had a small stuffed animal in her purse as she handed it to Jess, who clutched it as if it were her life's work.

"No more, okay?" She said as Coulson carried her to the room where she would be staying.

When Fury got back, the Avengers were glaring.

"Seriously?" Hawkeye said as he rolled his eyes.

"You're going to a vacation spot, you need to cool off," Tony said as Fury tried to protest. "And chill, we have Coulson. So shush and get on the plane. We prepacked for you."

Fury was stunned. He had to go on a vacation? No way. But, he was going to South America. Where there was sure to be something he could do.

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