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Fury had a baby niece. One that they couldn't find a babysitter for, because Fury's daughter was on a cruise and Fury and his wife, Susan, were going out for an anniversary dinner. Yes, he had a wife. No, you weren't allowed to ask why we all didn't know. The only thing Shield is technically allowed to issue is that the ceremony was in the middle of a shootout in Russia on a summer day. It was nice.

Kayla and Jessie were anticipating a mini Fury, one that barked orders, but had both eyes. At least, they were pretty sure she would. Then again, she might have been involved in a mission and trusted someone. Eh, you know what they say. When you lose an eye, you trusted a guy.

Fury seemed to be happy to be going out on a date, and even Jessie calling him a "social butterfly," couldn't hamper his mood. I mean, he still gave a grunt of disagreement, but otherwise said nothing. And, Kayla had laughed really hard, but he ignored that, as he led them to his apartment. Actually, it was a house. But, it was huge. It was a Colonial looking house, red brick and white pillars, flowerbeds looking magnificent. Fury got out his keychain, and unlocked the door, as Kayla and Jessie struggled not to gasp. Despite his closed off attitude towards life, his house disregarded that completely. There were walls of pictures, his family going to all the touristy stuff in D.C., going to Mount Rushmore, Grand Canyon, all of this stuff he swore he hated.

"Nice trip to the Smithsonian, I see," Kayla said with a smirk, as Fury rolled his eye.

"My son's birthday gift. He's into that nerdy stuff." Kayl and Jessie both gave him the attitude look of "yeah, sure it was." There was a sunroom, the sun starting to go down and setting a glare on the wood, light dancing it's way onto the ceiling. All in all, it was very pretty and gave you a great sense of peace.

"Girls!" Susan called out, arms open in an embrace, hugging both. Her hair, dark as chocolate, was in a fancy updo, dark chocolate skin coming to life in her graceful, red dress. Despite her age of maybe around fifty-five or so, she had aged with grace, and behind her was a baby girl, eyes wide in wonder. They talked and laughed for a bit while Fury was getting ready.

"This is Carmelina, but we call her Cam," Susan said, handing the baby to Kayla, a wise choice. Jessie lost herself in a mall once, and she had been on mental watch ever since. Kayla wouldn't let her forget it.

"Hey Cam," Kayla said softly, the baby having a milky white eye, her left one.

"She was blinded in one eye, a man came in trying to attack her grandpa, blinded her with a piece of metal. We're getting her some eyepatches soon." Jessie laughed, walking to hug Susan, but not before softly patting the baby on the cheek.

"On your left, chubs."

"Hey, don't call Cam chubs," Kayla reprimanded, rocking the child as she softlky smiled. "Besides, that's Steve's thing."

"Freedom of speech, muchacho."

"That's also his thing, Jess."

"You just like to ruin my fun, don't you, you little ray of sunshine?"

"And that is Percy Jackson's."

"You don't appreciate references."

"In all honesty, we have to listen to Mrs. Fury, as she has the directions for me to follow. You listen to, just in case I have to do something and god forbid you actually have to hold this bundle of cuteness."

"Her food is on the kitchen island, and her room is on the second floor, third door on the left. There's a changing table, and diapers, and you should be fine. She goes to bed at 6:30, but she enjoys playing, then passing out."

"So, like Tony Stark on a Friday, but she's beautiful," Fury explained, looking sharp in a tux and a sleek patch. (To say the least, everyone actually thought Fury just owned multiple black coats and those weird turtleneck thingies, along with black pants and black shoes. Kayla tried to give him black eyeliner once. He used it to poison enemies.) "If you end up injuring my granddaughter or do anything to my house, I will hunt you down and make sure you can't do anything but wiggle a bit in a hospital bed."

"Nick, don't be so harsh. Have fun girls! Jessie, you're banned from Fury's office and the bedroom!" Susan called out, shutting the door as Carmelina settled down on the ground, rolling on her little blanket and grabbing slobbery toys, giving her babysitters a mischievous look.

Her eating etiquette, by the way, was a disaster. She hated the veggie mix, but she loved the fruit mix, and it was specifically instructed that they had to feed her the veggie mix. Kayla swore that she couldn't believe Cam could spit that far, and banned Jessie and Carmelina from having a spit contest. Mainly because there were cameras, and Fury was probably already checking them.

It was 5:30, and Kayla was still attempting to try to get the kid to eat then disgusting food. She had tried it. Why do babies not have taste buds? Like, maybe Cam's was over-developed or something, because it seemed she knew what she  was eating.

"So, what do we do?" Jessie asked, as Kayla had an idea.

"They have those weird juices that are both fruits and veggies. That?" They tried it, as Carmelina drank it, and sighed happily when they chucked the veggie baby food into a trash can. She was smart for a baby, they swore.

But, then tragedy struck. Kayla needed to go get all of Cam's baby stuff, like PJs and crib blankets and making sure that everything was working. So, Jessie was watching over the little Fury, laughing as the girl was wobbling to stand up, before she plummeted to the floor, head knocked back. Her face contorted with pain, she wailed, as Jessie panicked.

"Oh crap, no, you're smart for a baby, no," Jessie fretted. Babies liked being picked up. Jessie wasn't trusted to pick up a small human who was related to Fury. It wasn't on her to do list today. Not now, not ever.

"Everything okay down there?" Kayla yelled as Jessie rushed to the baby, assessing the situation.

"Yeah, just working on getting theatrics right the next time Steve yells at me!" She lied, shaking her head. She grabbed the baby, before rushing to sit on a couch.

"You're holding a baby." Kayla was surprised, Jessie just not setting Cam on fire, not panicking, not telling her the tales of her OTPs or what her grandfather did. "Why is Cam not damaged?"

"Take her back, please," Jessie panicked, holding out the baby, who was asleep. "I don't know what to do with comatose babies, please fix her."

"She fell asleep, genius."


With a laugh, Kayla took the babe and put her to sleep, Mozart softly playing in the background as she looked at the baby. She was cute, a bit chubby, but as wonderful as her grandparents. She was going to be a good kid.

Kayla and Jessie were passed out on the couch by the time the Fury family got home, as Fury picked them up roughly, driving them to Shield headquarters. They were fast asleep on the floor, bills being their paper blankets as they muttered about pancakes and carmel objects. A secretary was pretty sure that Kayla had tried to lick a stamp, and then a glass window.

Babysitting was hard work, man.

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