You Got Lunch With Them?!

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"Hey, going off to lunch with some people!" Kayla yelled over her shoulder as Jessie was slaving over work.

"What people?" She yelled back.

"Uh, Sif, Widow, and another female assassin friend of Widow."

"Man, that's awesome! Too bad I have lunch with the Warriors Three!" Jessie whined. Sif was one of her favorite Asgardians, and she wasn't invited to lunch with them.

"You know why you weren't invited. Natasha needs some tips on weapons and slaying, and with you there, all Sif will talk about is Criminal Minds. Wait, why are you having lunch with the Warriors Three?" Kayla asked as she grabbed her concealed gun.

"I'm the one who discusses how best to eat food and drink and also Fury needs me to convince them to fight if we have the next Avengers sitch. I'm gonna challenge Red Beard to a contest!" They both laughed as they walked to separate groups.

The lunches went quite differently from each other.  The ladies were just fine, contentedly eating their food with manners. The lads and Jess got kicked out of a sandwich shop. They were a hazard to people and the public in general. That was all Warriors' fault. So, Jess left early and got some more food from Pizza Hut, sharing it with them as she talked with Thor, convincing them to fight for them next time they had a serious fight and she also promised them wings, like chicken wings. 

Sif and the girls discussed battle tactics, eating daintily and glaring at dudes who tried anything. Kayla enjoyed it, and then Lady Sif and the Warriors Three went back to Asgard.

"You got kicked out of Mr. Goodcents?" Kayla snorted as Jessie nodded.

"Yeah. But, I stole a bunch of food from them because they claimed that I was too boisterous."

"I'll bet." They walked in silence into a hall, before Jessie started smiling creepily as she dragged Kayla to a random training room.

"Avengers ships people. Fury does. Coulson does, Maria Hill does, everyone." Kayla almost choked on her spit.

"What ships does Fury even have?"

"Clint and Natasha, Agent Chad and Agent Gant, and uh, two random people from the ninth floor and the eighteenth floor."

"You live on the eighteenth floor and Agent Adam Banner lives on the ninth floor," Kayla bust out laughing, as Jess's cheeks colored as red as a tomato.

"Whatever, Coulson ships you with that one agent from the tenth floor. Colton Reinheart?" This time it was Kayla's cheeks to turn a pink as they crawled into the vents. You, know, like any other girl would do.

"Wanna go to Fury's to eavesdrop?" Jess suggested as Kayla grinned. She navigated the way to his office and they heard him yelling into his phone.


"NO SHE IS NOT SHIPPED WITH THAT ONE OR ANYONE!" They heard a fainter voice that presumably was Tony's.

"Damn straight," Jess muttered as Kayla snickered.

"I can't change a wrong opinion. The ship has sailed."

"Wait, what?!" Jessie's eyes were huge, like saucers as Kayla had to cover her mouth, shoulders shaking. "I wasn't even aware I was on this ship!"

"I guess the shipper sailed, not you."

Fury brought out a note, and Kayla caught a glimpse of the letter.

"Hey, you have any rope or grappling hook?" Kayla asked as she fashioned a clip as Jessie produced both. She threw the hook into a groove as she swung down, grabbing the letter before quickly reading it. "Don't let Agent Cush and Agent Hobbs go to room 203," she mused as they both grinned.

"Let's do it."

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