Plan E: Success

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After many many many, failed attempts at getting Colton and Kayla together, Plan E had better freaking work. There was the failed plan of Taco Bell (which Jessie didn't know had worked to her advantage,) the bombed plan of the carnival with Thor and Jane there and Thor's hammer getting involved. They got banned from coming back. And then the roller skating with Steve, the date night with Fury spying, and then Clint ripping Kayla's shirt almost clean off. Luckily, Colton had been a gentleman and wrapped his jacket around her, helping her get to her apartment without people staring at her.

So, Plan E better damn well work.

Colton and Kayla were at his place, eating out on the balcony, Kayla's glass flinging out of her hand as she nervously laughed, smashing to the ground as Jessie put her head in between her hands, failing to notice the man hiding in the window, doing the same thing when Colton dropped his plate. Adam was watching our for his friend, who was so nervous he had set ninja stars in the wall.

"So, its a cool night outside," Colton said, careful not to lean too far back in his chair and noticing how the starlight and dim moonlight enhanced Kayla's eyes and how her nose sort of scrunched up when she thought of something funny.

"Yeah, it is," she said, softly, leaning into him as they stared at each other, leaning in.

"Evening ladies and gents," a voice came from behind as they jumped, Kayla forcing herself to not teleport. "You may know me, you may not, but I'm the most powerful-" Whack.

That was the sound Jess made when she pushed him off the balcony. She did not want another ruined date for her ship. That would not fly. But, in her case, she would. Elementa was out to play. She ripped up the earth, shaking it a bit as fire lashed out from her arms.

"Its not nice to ruin ships," she snarled, sending him far out of the city, probably in the middle of a farm. "And now, back to the date."

"That was weird," Kayla said with a nervous glance as she did the universal go away or die face to Elementa. Elementa replied with an eye roll and a complementary refilling of a water glass. Kayla had thrown a glare to her savior. Meanwhile, Colton was shooing his best friend, who, for the occasion, had drawn a small Captain America star over a silver long sleeved shirt.

So, the two spies were thrown out as there was an awkward silence building up between them.

"Hey, do you want to go to my room? I got a new movie from a Half-Price Bookstore," Colton blurted out as Kayla smiled.

"I would love to."

You might have thought that Colton would've been the smoothest man of all time and wrapped his arm around in the ole stretch and yawn and put your arm around her shoulders to make her feel all jittery inside. He had his arm around her when she almost fell off the bed.

They hardly watched the movie that starred good celebrities in it, discussing what books they loved and which movie they had to see. They also decided that if they ever made the Avengers a movie, all it would be was Hulk angrily eating pancakes while just slamming Thor into a door. It would be a box winner, they were sure of it.

"Hey, I had a great time tonight," Kayla said, all smiles.

"Me too," Colton said bashfully as Kayla decided to go in for it.

Meaning for all of you clueless people such as me who knows how to flirt about as well an airbag, she kissed him.

There was not, however, flying fireworks.

There were freaking flying volcanoes.

"So, after that, would you want to be my girlfriend?" Colton was still nervous despite the display of affection, as Kayla was positively giddy as a child.

"YES!" She screamed out her answer to the world as she engulfed him in a hug, him spinning her around.

But, they still had to tell the Avengers about, well, them. And that was harder than breaking a fourth wall, am I right?

Hope you guys enjoy this story, because I see the reads! Honestly, I don't care if you vote or comment or not, because at least I know people read my story.

Oh, and the fourth wall break? Deadpool helped with that bit, thank you very much.

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