Room 203, Floor 24

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They weren't allowed. But, it never said they weren't allowed to accidentally go into it.

Inside were two tubes, and a series of choices.

"It's like a build your own superhero," Agent Cush muttered as she fingered the page on invisibility. "You wanna do it?"

"Yes." Jessie said as they discussed. Kayla was to have teleportation and invisibility, while Jessie wanted wings that were like angel wings and the elements. Kayla thought the wings would make Jess a mutant.

"See ya on the flip side," Kayla grinned as they pressed the button. Needles injected all kinds of things and in general it wasn't the best place to be in. But, the deed was done as Kayla was teleporting all over the place and Jess was drying off her new found wings.

"Oh crap, Banner and Stark are coming. Teleport!" Jessie yelled as they teleported to Kayla's office, where Steve and Clint were.

"You guys are just everywhere, aren't you?" Kayla muttered as they were about to go out, but Clint got hold of Jessie's arm.

"What did you do?" Clint asked as Jessie rolled her eyes.

"I got a boyfriend on the seventeenth floor who has abs like ice cream- I want more." Jessie winked as she mouthed the word "diversion."

"Oh yeah, I got a boyfriend on the 24th- uh, 29th floor," she said both men narrowed their eyes.

"No. You are not having a boyfriend." America commented as Jessie scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Oh what, no attention from me because Kayla is your favorite?" She said cheekily as Steve looked at her directly in the eyes.

"Banner will hear about it."

"Oh no," Jessie groaned as they were taped to the wall.

"So, you wanna tell us about your powers?" Clint asked, tying their hands up loosely and Kayla winked at Jessie as she took her hand and teleported to Jess's room.

"I really should've thought of that earlier," Kayla said with a laugh as they decided to watch a movie, arguing over Disney's version of Hercules. Jessie argued that it was historically inaccurate. Zeus was a huge egghead and Hera was not his mother nor did she even tolerate him. She made him kill his own family! Disney got it so wrong.

"Uh, dude!" Jessie exclaimed, water in her palm as she slurped it up, focusing on her bottle of coke, the liquid easily slipping out of the can as she sipped it up as well, giving a shout of victory as Kayla teleported straight behind her, scaring the genesis out of her. I don't even know what genesis means, by the way.

"OPEN UP!" Coulson yelled as he pounded on the door.

"WHY SHOULD I TECHNICALLY?" Kayla yelled back as she looked in the peephole before sitting on the couch, Jess's wings folding in as the door blasted open.

"Dude, you owe me a new door," Jessie frowned as they grabbed their wrists.

"Fury needs to talk to you about room 203." Both showed signs of panic as they were pushed into the office.

"Did you know about room 203?" Fury asked, eyes burning into their souls.

"All we know is that we aren't allowed up there after the Asgard Incident," Kayla lied smoothly as Fury nodded.

"And, if you in fact did go up there, you would tell me?" He asked as Jessie nodded with a yes.

"Duh, how else would we do your evil bidding?" Jessie snickered as he growled.

"Get. Out." They both scampered away, going back to the room.

"Why didn't we tell him?" Kayla reasoned with herself as Jess shrugged her shoulders.

"I didn't feel the need too. Besides, I like having something that Fury found about. Especially since he found out about me saying bird puns to Clint and stopping that amazingness," she scowled as Kayla snorted.

"So, hero names?" Kayla asked as they brainstormed for names, googling meanings and such before coming to two names: Fantisima, a play on the Italian words for "ghost," since Kayla could turn invisible. And, for Jess, Elementa, the Latin word for elements.

"You ready? We design suits tomorrow, Fantisima," Jessie said with a yawn as they smiled sleepily, heads slamming on pillows and they looking like dead people.

Fury and Coulson were talking animatedly, over something quite unusual.

"Make sure the twenty-ninth and seventeenth floor boys do not make contact with Agent Hobbs or Agent Cush. They cannot be messed with," Fury said, slamming down a few papers and knocking down his nameplate.

"You mean your couples," Coulson teased as Fury's cheeks tinged a barely noticeable pink.

"Inform the Avengers. And Agent Maria Hill. Leave." Fury sank down in his seat as his door cracked open again, Coulson's face appearing.

"Oh, and sir?"

"Yes, Phil?"

"I ship Agent Hobbs with Agent Reginald. Bye!" He skipped away as he heard Fury's scream vibrate through the walls and the faint smashing of a chair against desk. Fury was also miffed at Coulson because he shipped Kayla with that one kid, Joe Three. Ugh.

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