New Point of View

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So, I have decided to do the other characters owned by Marvel that were not made up by me. I am not the Doctor, or in possession of the time turner. Otherwise we all know I would've rescued some hippogriffs and house elves by now. Note: Kayla is like the sweet teenager that everyone knows and loves, as well as is wise beyond her years. Jessie is a child, who doesn't really know the effect she has on others.

Nick Fury

To be completely honest, everyone knew who his favorite one was. Kayla freaking Cush, the bad butt of the agents. Next to Coulson and Hill, of course. He liked her because she knew when her jokes and sarcasm were wanted, always doing her portion of work and doing it with a smile on her face and a gun in her pocket.

And, he had a begrudging liking for Agent Hobbs. She was more than annoying than a remix of Justin Bieber and One Direction,  which wasn't true at all because Jessie made breakfast for him one time. And it was actually pretty good. Sure, she wasn't his ideal person to hang out with, but she was one of the best hackers in the industry.

Black Widow

Personally, she liked Kayla. She seemed the type to be more under control in situations, as well as she could hold her own. Especially after that one drug bust in Germany. Kayla had more her dry sense of humor, though Jessie could pull a mean joke. Kayla understood what to cross and what to not do, respecting boundaries, tearing them down when they weren't. She was wise.

And for Jessie? Well, she was a little immature, but once you got her into mad mood, you evidently know that she will not do what you want her to do. You wanted that weapon ordered and delivered by Thursday? Ha, too bad. Needed that pen to save you? Nope. Its going to purgatory.

Tony Stark

Jessie was his favorite, mainly because she always smiled or laughed a little at his jokes, being like his cousin or something. Which, she was, or something. He and Pepper looked after her as if she were with them in a family, and she was grateful for it. Especially since her favorite cheese was swiss.

And of course, who can forget of Agent Cush? She's a sweetheart with a kick butt side, crushing villains and basically controlling the Avengers. She is nice, laughing or rolling her eyes mostly at his cracks, frowning if it was too dirty of a joke.


Kayla. She reminded him of Jane, flustered when some attention was on her, a smart kind of cute. She always knew what to say, and eloquence was a key to the way she moved and acted.

Jessie was close, knowing humor and getting along with Darcy fairly well, sometimes clashing with pranks, but still a fun little one. She sort of reminds him of Loki when he was little. A little troublesome, but still warm and nice.

Agent Coulson

Well, Kayla has a lot of favorites so far. Ehehehe. The main reason as to why is Kayla grew up with a bit of a Hawkeye obsession, eventually having a plush figurine made. So, they secretly fangirled or fanboyed over the supers, discussing it. Half the time, their excuse was that they were discussing the techniques of Chuck Norris.  No one has noticed as of yet.

Jess can be a nice distraction from work, as she is forever joking around and trying her best to make people happy, never seeming to have her paperwork on time. And, you mainly got less paperwork because of her punishments.


Of course Kayla was his favorite. If you didn't know this, holy nuggets, go back and reread the story. Seriously, its in there. Somewhere. She was his favorite because she showed genuine concern for when he was hurt, making sure everyone else was okay before she was. Everyone thought her to be a tough chick who could hold her own anywhere and any time; which was, in fact, true. But she also a huge romantic squishy person. She'd always have a book out, normally romantic or mystery. It was a side she rarely showed in public.

And of course, Jessie was a cheerful individual, but they didn't really hang out much, ever since she had done the bird puns. They got along as acquaintances.

Bruce Banner

Jess was his favorite. She had a different side to her, one that understood what it was like to fear one's self. She understood when he needed space, never shying away after a hurtful comment. Jessie stayed by him, and made sure he was okay. She was secretly the girl who always left gifts for people after she noticed they had a bad day, and she pulled a mean joke. Not like, the bad jokes where its sexist or racist, but good ones timed perfectly.

Kayla always helps the team as much as possible, getting Jess out of little punishments and situations. And for that, he was grateful. Especially because she had been fired over five times this year. But those were bad days for Fury. But, Kayla was as bad as Jessie every so often. She might put a stink bomb in the bathrooms or that one time when she temporarily dyed Thor's hair macaroni and cheese orange.

All of the people loved them, and it was important. Because without love, what do you have? You have a sandwich.

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