Chapter Two

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* 3rd POV *

Kori was ready to get home, so she could sleep at least six hours before Emilia woke up and complained about going to the park. Though, Kori could not get home until after she stopped for gas, since she knew Emi wouldn't let her stop in the morning. She pulled into a gas station not far from her place of employment, before she pulled up to a pump and shut her car off. She walked inside and prepaid for her gas, before walking back out to her car and opening her gas tank. As she placed the nossel in the tank, she watched a nice Ford Escalade pull into the pump behind her. A blonde man stepped out, as did a young blonde girl. The man talked to the girl for a moment, before he walked inside and the girl watched the amount of money on the gas begin to grow.

The man walked inside of the gas station, grabbing a couple bags of candies and two drinks, one for him and one for his little girl. He turned to go towards the register, when a pretty necklace caught his eye. The necklace was gold and had a small jeweled mermaid on the chain. His daughter loved mermaids, as well as many other things little girls liked at her age. He picked it up, and was examining the tag, surprised it didn't cost much at all. He knew she'd love it, and he was definitely going to buy it for her.

Kori finished pumping her gas, and put the nossel away, before turning back towards her car. As soon as she closed her gas tank, she heard gun shots begin to go off. Without hesitation, Kori ran over to the little girl by the Escalade, and covered her with her body. The little girl clung to her like a sloth, as Kori held her close for safety. Screeching of tires were heard minutes later, though it felt like hours. When the gun fire stopped and the tires screeched, Kori looked down at the terrified little girl. Both girls were breathing hard, but Kori knew she needed to be strong.

The man had heard the gunfire from the inside of the gas station, right after he handed the clerk behind the counter his money. He quickly snatched his bag off the counter, before running outside to his little girl. The gun fired has seieced by the time he had made it outside, and he was terrified that his little girl was hurt. He dashed to the other side of his Escalade, only to be surprised by seeing a woman standing over his daughter. He stood for a moment, watching as his terrified daughter clung to the woman and the woman checked her over and talked calmly to her.

"Excuse me." The man said, scaring the woman and even his little girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to seem creepy. I was just-" She began, before he cut her off.

"No, it's okay. You kept my little girl safe, when I couldn't. Thank you so much, uh, what's your name?" He asked, as his little girl walked over and wrapped her arms around him.

"My name's Kori Winston, and you're both very welcome. I have a little girl myself, and I would only pray a stranger would protect my daughter if I wasn't able to." She replied, and he smiled.

"Well, my name's Marshall Mathers, and this is my little girl, Hailie. I really can't thank you enough for what you did. Is there any way I can repay you?" He asked, and she laughed lightly.

"There's no need to repay me, Mr Mathers. I did this out of the kindness of my heart, and I do not need repayment. My 'mommy' instincts kicked in and that's all. Don't worry about it." She replied, and he quickly shook his head.

"No, you have to let me repay you some way. You could've been hurt or even died trying to protect my daughter, and that's a very noble thing to do. This act could've cost you your life, and made your little girl lose her mother. I can't bare the thought of that, so please, I'll be willing to do anything." He said, and she smiled.

"Well, Mr Mathers, I'm bringing my little girl to the park in the morning. You could always bring Hailie to the park, and her and my daughter could play together. That'd be payment enough, since my baby doesn't have any friends." She answered, and he nodded.

"Yes, of course. We'd love to meet your little girl. Hand me your phone, so I can give you my number." He stated, and she nodded slightly.

Kori handed Marshall her small phone, and he typed his number in. He sent himself a quick text, before handing her back the phone. Judging by the small phone and the look of her car, which wasn't terrible but wasn't the greatest, he figured she didn't have much money. He remembered when he was in that same stage in life, and it made him feel a small twinge in his heart.

"Uh, if you text me your address, I can just pick you and your daughter up and we all can go to breakfast before going to the park." He offered, hoping she'd agree.

She didn't like the feeling of him giving her handouts since she kept his daughter safe. Though, she felt he was doing more for her just by her looks. Her car wasn't the best and her phone was old, she knew he thought of her as poor and less fortunate.

"You don't have too." She commented, and he shook his head with a smile.

"My treat." He replied, and she sighed before smiling and nodding.

"That'll be great. I'll just send you the address in the morning, give Emilia and I time to get ready and send my roommate off to work." She stated, and he nodded.

She just hopped he didn't feel bad for her once he seen her home. She knew it wasn't the best, but it was all she could afford...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know I normally don't write so many different point of views, but for this book there's a good chance that there'll be more than one point of view change.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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