Chapter Sixteen

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The kids hated when Marshall was in the studio all day. He would be gone until dinner, sometimes later, now that I was living here and he didn't have to come pick up his girls anymore. I wasn't mad about that at all. Honestly, I understood how he felt, but I was mad because he had upset the girls so many times. The other day, Lanie had made something special for Marshall and I at school. Well, when I went and picked her up, she was so excited to show Marshall, but Marshall wasn't at home. He didn't come home until around midnight that night, and by that time everyone was asleep, including me. Also that night, all the girls ended up sleeping in my bed with me, except Whitney, cause I brought her portable bed into my room for the night. If you'd like to know, that night happened to be last night. So, since the girls had school soon, I had to get up and get ready.

I walked into my bathroom and took a shower, before throwing on a pair of black high waisted shorts, and a maroon colored t shirt. I left my hair in messy curls, and did minimal makeup. I was the only one in the family with curly hair, which only happened when I didn't fix it after my showers. Anyhow, once I was dressed, I walked into my room to wake the girls. Since it was six thirty in the morning, they were able to be slow about getting ready.

Cela went to her room to get ready, as did Lanie, as I followed Hailie and Emi out of my room. I picked out Hailie's clothes, which were a pair of black skinny jeans and a pink shirt with Dumbo on the front. I let her dress herself, as I went and dressed Emi in grey pants and a blue Wonder Woman shirt. I checked on Lanie and seen she was wearing a pair of red jeans and a black Beatles shirt. Then I looked in Cela, seeing she was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white Mötley Crüe shirt.

I walked into my room, before the girls walked in for me to fix their hair. I pulled Cela's beautiful brown hair, into a tight cheerleader ponytail, before making sure the natural curls at the bottom of her hair looked good. I braided Lanie's hair into a fishtail braid, and french braided Hailie's hair, before finally putting Emi's hair in pigtails.

"Go downstairs and get your shoes on. I'll fix cereal while you girls are finishing up." I stated, and they nodded.

I grabbed four bowls and spoons, before pouring Fruity Pebbles into two bowls and Cocoa Pebbles in the other two. The girls ran in and sat down for their cereal, right when I heard Whitney crying cause she had woken up. I walked upstairs and grabbed Whitney, before taking her to her room. I changed her diaper and put her in a black onesie with Minnie Mouse on the front, as well as a pair of pink leggings with white polka dots on them. As I was fixing to walk down stairs with her, I seen Marshall walk out of the bathroom, headed back to his room.

"Hey Kori." He said, and I frowned at him.

"Hi Marshall. We're having a talk after I drop the girls at school." I retorted, and he nodded slowly.

I carried Whitney downstairs and sat her in her highchair, before giving her some Cheerios and apple juice. Once everyone was done eating, I loaded them into Marshall's truck, and headed for the school. I dropped Cela off at Middle School, since she was in seventh grade, I then dropped Lanie and Hailie off at Elementary School, since Lanie was in fourth grade and Hailie was in second. I also had to drop Emi off here, since she was in Kindergarten, though Whitney and I brought her inside like we've done every morning since she started here.

Once I dropped the girls off at school, Whitney and I headed back home. When we got home, I brought Whitney inside and I saw Marshall was waiting on us. I sighed, knowing our conversation had to start right away.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked, as I sat Whitney in her bouncer.

"I know you're busy, and I know you're doing a lot of work right now, but you have to start making time for the girls." I stated, causing him to glare at me.

"You know I'm trying my best. I'm writing an album right now, and I can't be home more than I'm at the studio." He replied, and I pursed my lips.

"I know this, but that doesn't stop anything . You're in the studio every day of the week, even on the weekends. You need to take a day off at least once a week to spend time with the girls." I retorted, and he sighed.

"I can't always do that. I've got to get my work done." He countered, and I looked away from him.

"You don't get how heart breaking it is for me, do you? I know you need to finish your work, but look at the girls. Emi comes home wanting to play with you. Cela comes home wanting to hang out with you. She told me a few days ago she wanted to do music like you do, but you're not around to teach her, and she's losing that spark in her for music. Lanie came home yesterday with a surprise for you, and the fact that you weren't home, and didn't come home until we were already asleep, she was heart broken. It hurts to see the girls that way, Marshall. I can't keep telling them the same thing, they think you love your work more than them and-" I ranted, then all of a sudden Marshall kissed me.

I couldn't believe it, but at this moment, nothing seemed wrong...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I bet you weren't expecting the kiss, but surprise anyway.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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