Chapter Seventeen

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Two days. Two days since Marshall had kissed me, but he's acting like it never happened. I mean, I'm glad we're not all awkward and such, but it still hurts. I didn't think I had feelings for him, but when he kissed me, I realized I did have feelings for him. It honestly hurt more than him yelling at me, even though anyone can tell he hasn't really yelled at me with much force before. When he yelled at my old landlord, it would've scared me, if I didn't know if he would keep his hands to himself or not. I know for a fact if he got arrested, we'd be screwed, cause I only have custody over my girls and all that work he done with his would go down the drain.

Anyhow, after getting dressed in a pair of stone washed shorts and a Iron Maiden top, and fixing my hair and makeup, I had to bring the girls to school. It was always the same routine, so I pretty much had it down to an exact. Once I had gotten the girls dropped off, it was just Whitney and I awake in the house. Marshall wasn't going into the studio until ten, and he promised he'd be home by five. I was glad he was at least trying to get home at a reasonable hour now for the girls.

I sat Whitney in her highchair, placing a handful of Cheerios on her tray, before fixing a bottle of grape juice for her. Her favorite drink was apple juice, but she would drink any type of Juicy Juice I gave her if needed. Anyhow, as she was eating, I took the time to clean up the dishes from the girls' breakfast. I had made pancakes and sausage links for breakfast since I had woken up early, which they were very happy about. Normally they just had cereal, but some morning I do cook for them when I can. Whitney started banging on her tray, and I looked over to see she had run out of food.

"Do you need more food, Whit?" I asked, and she nodded.

So, I grabbed another handful of Cheerios and laid them on her tray, before I finished cleaning the dishes. I then cleaned the counters and stove, before sweeping the floor and wiping the table. By the time I was done, I seen that Whitney had finished her food as well. So I unclipped the tray and lifted her up, before placing the tray on the counter top. I placed Whitney in her bouncer, so I could clean her highchair and tray. Once I had finished cleaning everything in the kitchen, I walked back into the living room by Whitney. She reached her arms up to me, making grabby hands as she did so. I smiled and picked her up, before she placed her head down on my shoulder.

I was fixing to bring her to her room to get some toys, when there was a knock on the door. I didn't know who it could possibly be, so I looked through the peephole. I was shocked to see Kim was standing at the door. I opened the door and her face went from angry to shocked.

"Who are you?" She asked, as I stood in front of her.

"I'm Kori." I replied, and she nodded.

"Is Marshall around?" She asked, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Yes, but he's asleep. I thought he said he didn't want you here again." I stated, before she started glaring at me.

"Excuse me?! How could you tell me he doesn't want me here! I heard him tell me! He can't make me though, cause he has my kids! You have my kids! Give me my babies!" She exclaimed, and I held Whitney tighter.

"Kim, you need to calm down." I commented, but she stepped closer towards me.

"Calm down?! Lady I don't know who the fuck you think you are, coming into my husband's house, taking my children, and acting like you live here!" She screamed, causing Whitney to start bawling.

"Kim! What the fuck?! Get the fuck out of my goddamn house you crazy bitch!" Marshall yelled, and Kim looked even more angry.

"No! Give me my kids Marshall! I can't believe you're trying for custody! They're my kids! You don't even take care of them! You got some bitch in your house caring for them, acting like she lives here!" Kim sneered, but Marshall stayed firm.

"She does live here, and don't call her a bitch, bitch! These are my kids! I take care of them! I don't run off with some junkie, get high, and leave my kids all alone! You're never going to see them again! Oh, Kori does care for the kids! Way better than you ever did in their lives!" Marshall spat, and Kim looked upset.

She turned towards me, with a glare that could kill in her eyes. I felt small underneath her glare, though I was raised not to be afraid of anyone's glares. She went to come at me, but Marshall grabbed her. She screamed in frustration, trying to get out of his grasp. She kicked him in the balls, and when he let go, she came over to me. She tried to grab Whitney, but when I didn't let go, she kneed me in the stomach and knocked me to the ground, before Marshall grabbed her and kicked her out.

"Oh god, Kori, are you both alright?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah, we're fine." I replied, as I tried to get Whitney to stop crying.

"I'm sorry she did that, baby. I didn't expect her to get violent with you. God, I'm sorry." He said, and I smiled.

"It's fine, Marshall. It really is. She'll get what's coming to her." I commented, as I kissed his cheek.

We stared into each other's eyes, sniffles being heard in the background. Slowly we both began to lean forward, before our lips connected. After a moment, he laid his forehead against mine, as we breathed a bit heavy.

"I know I said I'd never get in another relationship, but you're different. Do you, want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Yeah." I answered, before he kissed me again.

Thank you, Kim I thought, knowing it would've taken Marshall way longer to ask, if he would've at all, if she hadn't taken drastic measures while she was here...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know he wouldn't be that bad, but ya know, story suspense and all.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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