Chapter 6: Do this, do that.

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As they all got back from the hotel they had awoken to, they were glad the walk to the hotel weren't disturbed as they thought it would be. They all plopped down the bed with a sigh, Brian stood up and now was walking back and forth thinking.

"What's the fuss about, Bri?" Roger looked at Brian as he was still walking back and forth, Freddie didn't seem to care, and John was too deep in thought.

"Okay, okay." Brian whispered, slightly tugging on his curly hair, "I have a plan, so nobody recognizes us." He looked up the ceiling and down to the floor, and suddenly points at Roger. "Roger!" he exclaimed, surprising the 3 with the sudden yell.

"Grow a beard!"

"Freddie, shave your moustache!"

Freddie looked at him as if he was out of his mind. "There's no way in hell I'll shave my beautiful moustache, Brian dear."

"Deaky, get a trim!"

Silence filled the room.

"Uhm, what?" John asked, touching his crazy, yet fluffy hair. "My hair's not that bad..."

"Nuh-uh, Brian. I don't want to grow a beard," Roger said, massaging his clean-shaven jaw, "And besides, I bet you guys prefer a clean-shaven drummer." He winked at Brian, which went slightly red, but clear his throat.

"If you want us to all of that Bri," Freddie walked up to Brian, "I guess the 3 of us can plan what would you do to yourself." he smirked evilly.

Brian backed away, "No, Freddie!" As he swatted Freddie's hands.

"Hair straightener, anyone?" Roger asked suggestively, which made Brian grimaced. "No, Roger!" To Brian's relief there was no hair straightener lying around. Roger ran to the bathroom, hoping there's one maybe hiding somewhere.

"Found it!" Roger announced, which made Brian shuddered with fear, "No, no, no!"

As Roger walked out, he wasn't holding anything, "Hah, just kidding! You should've seen your face!" They all giggled except for Brian who was crossing his arms, "Don't ever do that to me again!"

"Aw, Brian." Freddie was still giggling, "Your love for your hair is too much."

Brian sighed, "Okay, forget what I just said." Then he looked all 3 of them, "But, we're going to have to do it eventually."

Roger groaned, "I don't want to grow a beard! I'll look like a homeless person!" he smirked to himself, "A hot homeless person."

"Grow up, Roger." John rolled his eyes.

"How come Deaky doesn't get to grow a beard? He only gets to trim his hair!" Roger pointed out.

"Because Brian knows I'll look atrocious with a beard, Rog." John smirked like an idiot.

It felt like the good-old days for them, like it was just a normal day at the studio. No time-traveling. Then a comfortable silence filled the room, everybody still smiling about what happened. Until Freddie broke the silence,

"Will we ever go back to 1984?"

Everybody seemed to forget that they were in the future, which made them all snap back to reality.. as much as the future is fun, they have wasted 34 years of their life.

"We don't know for sure, Fred." Brian answered, which didn't really help on all of them. "But we can all worry about that later, for now we need to make sure we don't get exposed, which we already are. We don't want the press being involve on this."

"What do we do then?" John asked, "Wait, we're not doing.."

Brian smirked, "We are." then he frowned, "but I don't support the idea of straightening my hair!"

Freddie popped in the conversation, "And I don't support the idea of shaving my moustache!"

"You're going to have to, Fred!" Brian pleaded, "For the sake of our identities!"

"Fine," Freddie agreed, still hesitating to shave his moustache, "Then the 3 of us will still think on what you're going to do to yourself."

"Alright, but straightening my hair is out of the box. Okay?" Brian sighed.

Then Roger had an idea, "Let's make Brian a hippie!"

John snorted, "Great idea, Rog!"

Brian narrowed his eyes while the 3 were laughing hysterically. "You're going to be one of those hippies who always wear those peace-sign glasses!" Freddie said while wheezing.

"Oh, what had my life turned to?" Brian whispered to himself.


Heyyyyy, its mee.

First of all thank you guys so much for 500 reads well, almost. Seriously this is my first time making my own story. Thank you guys sooo much!

and I'm seriously bad on doing these author notes.. i'm really awkward..


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