Chapter 44: Gimme some truth.

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"I had a dream," Brian began. "But the thing is, I had Roger's point of view." Brian looked at Roger for a second and looked at the ground, knowing something Roger doesn't. "To make the story short, the dream was that we time travelled to 1991, not 1987. A-and, I don't even know if I can tell you what happened, since it might alter the future and all-"

"You gotta tell us, Brian!" Freddie demanded. Brian bit his lip,

"You died on that year." Brian said nonchalantly, than he intended it to be. The cold air seemed to be much more colder now when he said it. He doesn't even care if it'd destroy the universe to tell someone when they die. They needed to save their talented singer. Everybody was quiet until Freddie exclaimed,

"Sh*t, we have to go back, then!" Freddie rushed to the back door, and tugged on the knob, which was now locked. Roger even ran and slammed his shoulder at the door to try and bust it down, but it didn't work.

"It's no use..." Roger said, even walking backwards to do it again, not caring that his shoulder burn from the impact.

"You don't have to do it again." John tried to stop him, but then Brian stepped in the way, but Roger was already running at the time, and made a complete halt when he saw Brian, causing him to fall backwards. Brian caught him immidiately, stretching his arm out, grasping Roger's hand.

Since, the stupid gravity won, and Roger being a little heavier than Brian, he made the taller man fall on top of him.

John and Freddie didn't even care on helping them out, but they just raised their eyebrows at each other. Freddie even made a heart shape with both of his hands, and pointed at the two men on the ground. John tried not to laugh and cleared his throat,

"Are you two okay?!"

Brian groaned and nodded, he mumbled a quick sorry, to the blushing drummer. Since he was such a gentleman, he reached his hand out again to Roger. Roger quickly, or maybe eagerly reached for it. Brian must've felt something going off with his heartbeat when the younger man touched his hand.

Roger rubbed his sore butt, and looked at Freddie and John. "What are you two looking at us for?! We need the door open!"

"There's no need for that," John shook his head. "I actually talked to my future self.."

"Wait, are you crazy? We can't keep doing that, Deaky! Oh, God. We keep tearing a hole in the fabric of the universe," Brian pinched the bridge of his nose.

Freddie rolled his eyes, "It's not like we haven't done that already, darling." Then, turned to Deaky, smiling at him, telling him to keep talking. Brian furrowed his eyebrows at the two. He felt he was missing something here, probably his brain, he may never know this moment.

"We don't need to save future Freddie, when we can save him right now." Deaky said.

"By doing what?" Brian asked. He watched as John walked closer to Freddie, and let his hand intertwine with Freddie's. Brian's eyes narrowed, he opened his mouth to speak, and before he could get his words out, Roger interrupted him.

"Ha! I f*cking knew there was something going on with you two!" Roger jumped up and down, comepletly normal with it. "When did this happen?!"

Brian stood there, trying to recollect memories from before and see if there was any clues that this was going ti happen. He did find Freddie flirting with John before they got drugged, then got sent 34 years to the future. He guessed that John's plan of being with Freddie and all would work.

Now, Roger was waiting for him and Brian to be together. He's not even ashamed to think about it now.

"Well, like 30 minutes ago?" Freddie chuckled, and grasping John's hand more tightly. They were standing at the back of this expensive club in Kensington, at almost midnight. Thunder appearing at the dark clouds, threatening that it would rain soon.

"Brian? Now, what's your reaction?" Roger nudged Brian, bringing him back to reality. Seemed like he can't escape until Roger touched him.

Brian cracked a smile, "I'm happy for you both. Just don't hurt each other, alright? Treasure those memories you'll have in the near future."


The four walked back to the hotel room. The rain did pour, leaving them all drenched when they reached the building.

"Sh*t, I think we left our clothes back at that club," Roger groaned, and went to the bathroom to get a spare towel. He took off his top and rubbed the towel on his wet body. Brian couldn't help but look. He did try to look away by looking at John and Freddie busy having a conversation with hushed voices.

Brian mentally groaned. Why would Roger be such a distraction to him? He cleared his throat, "How 'bout we go get some rest and go back to 1984?" Brian said so casually. And how about Roger to stop displaying his upper body and just get on with it?!

"Share the bed with me, Fred?" John asked.

"It'd be an honour, darling." Freddie smirked, while Roger rolled his eyes. He was completely fine with Freddie and John being together, but he was bothered by these kind of situation. It wouldn't hurt to say it quietly right?

Brian was too busy being on a trance. He was staring at the window, not even blinking. Perhaps he was very sleepy. He turned around and saw the two lovebirds already sleeping, their blankets covered their whole body except for their head. They were probably still sleeping with their outfits on. Brian had no idea.

"You alright, Bri?" the raspy, yet a bit high-pitched voice suddenly filled Brian's ears. He quickly turned around, he saw Roger wearing norhingt except for his underwear.

"Uh, I'm feeling fine. Just, uh-"

"Good, hope you don't mind me sleeping like this." Roger then jumped on the bed, lying on his stomach, making the bed shake. He managed to get the blankets to cover him. Before he closed his eyes he whispered, "G'night, love." then closed his mesmerizing blue eyes.

Brian swore that he heard Roger call him, 'love', which made the older man blush.

Ugh, he's going to be the death of me.


Hah, sorry for the wait stdjsbekdm. As you can see, i can't stop watching minecraft videos. gosh i gotta stop

And yeah, this chapter was uhh, i dunno. I just rEAllY wAnTed Some MayLor And DeaCuRy Up In tHIs shT.

when ur parents said ur gonna have to stop listening to queen (or other bands):

when ur parents said ur gonna have to stop listening to queen (or other bands):

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Hope the gif loads. -crosses fingers-

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