Chapter 36: A kind of magic.

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Thinking about going to 1987 made Brian uncomfortable. He had been into this time travelling business for maybe 5 days now? Who's counting? Brian isn't planning on to. Now they're here, in this hotel room. David- or Bowie, as Freddie would call him, told them they'd stay there for a few hours until he resets the machine.

"I still can't believe we time travelled! Like- how cool is that?" Roger said. He was lying on the bed, spread-eagle. "What do you think, Bri?" Roger looked at Brian, which snapped him from his thoughts.

"Well.. I thought it's a kind of magic."

Roger raised his eyebrow, and seemed like his lightbulb seemingly switched on. "A kind of magic, huh? Has a nice ring to it.." he mumbled.

John was getting his shut-eye, for maybe the first time for the last 5 days . He was so exhausted, and he would like to forget everything that has happened. He just wanted it to be a dream, but to his dismay, it wasn't.

"Ah, well, can't we get to our own houses for now since we're back?" Freddie plopped himself next to John, but he decided to keep distance.

Brian shook his head, "David didn't said so," he looked at his wristwatch, the time was set when they were in the future. He'd want to fix it, but not right now.

"Oh, dear, I'm hungry." Freddie's stomach grumbled.

"There's a fridge right there, why don't you take a look?" Brian suggested.

Freddie stood up, and walked towards the fridge. He eagerly opened it, and was disappointed by it's empty content.

He slammed the fridge door shut, "I want food, and I want it now!"

Brian sighed and looked at the window. They were really back, and all he wanted was a nice, hot cup of tea! And maybe a badger too...

His eyes followed the cars driving on the road. The cars were pretty different from the future. Heck, he even thought there was going to flying cars. Roger would've loved that.

Just by thinking all about it, he wanted to rest.

"Why don't you take a rest, Fred? You look like you need it." Brian looked towards Freddie. Which he was already snoring away. He was just at that small fridge, demanding for food. And now he fell asleep.

Brian climbed to bed next to Roger, who had closed his eyes minutes ago. They were all tired, looks like they were really exhausted after all...


Roger was the first one to wake up. The first thing he thought when he sat up, was the sentence Brian said to him 2 hours ago. A kind of magic, eh? Better write it now before I forget all about it. Roger thought.

He looked around and see that Freddie, John and Brian were still fast asleep. Brian was facing Roger, and he couldn't help but remove that one curly strand on Brian's face.

He shook his head and stood up. The bed creaked in protest while he did so. He had found a piece of paper and a pen on the nearest table.

Should I write about time travelling and all of that crap? Hmm, no... I don't want it to be like '39.

He didn't want his lyrics to related to time travel. He wanted it to be normal. Why not? The pen was hovering the pale, white paper. He can't really think right, but since he have the title in mind, he wrote; A Kind Of Magic. Roger mentally thanked Brian for it.

John rubbed his eyes, and stretched. Which made Roger snapped out of his thoughts. He folded the paper and shoved it in his pocket.

"Oh!" John exclaimed and fell off the bed. Well, he was surprised that Freddie was sleeping beside him.

"You alright, Deaks?" Roger asked, not even bothering on standing up and helping him.

"Yes, I'm fine." John grumbled, hid voice filled with sarcasm.

Knock, knock! There was somebody knocking on the door.

"Uh, who's there?" Roger sighed, and stood up. He walked towards the door, and took a peek at the peephole.

Roger opened the door, "David, nice for you to come- hey! Are those sandwhiches? Holy hell, I'm starving!" He didn't even give David a chance to speak, for Roger grabbed the bag with sandwhiches in it.

"Hey, don't eat it all!" John tried to grab the bag, but Roger resisted. "Stop resisting, damnit!"

David rolled his eyes, "Well, no one's going to acknowledge me?" He mumbled to himself. He had another bag that the two didn't notice. It was an air-horn. He didn't know why he bought it, maybe just for fun.

He pressed on the button, and it released a very loud noise which made the two drop their sandwhiches. While Freddie and Brian rolled off the bed, and landed on the floor.

"What the f*ck?!" Freddie exclaimed, as he rubbed his left butt cheek. David shrugged,

"Figured that would wake you two up. And you two," He looked at Roger and John, "Stop fighting, there's enough sandwhiches for all you four to eat!"

They all settled down, and munched on the sandwhiches like an animal. Even Brian. He couldn't help it, he was starving as well.

"Can you close your mouth while you're eating, Rog? It's disgusting." John remarked, while taking a bite.

"Hmph, why don't you mind your own business, Deaky?" Roger replied, still with food inside his mouth.

"Alright," David spoke, "Now since everybody is almost done eating, I'll tell what you'll all do when you arrive in 1987. I will send you all at September, 4, alright? Freddie's 41th birthday. All you had to do, is get him out of there precisely at 11:39 pm sharp. Supposedly that's where Freddie gets the virus," he looked at Freddie solemnly. "I know it's not safe to know too much about your future, but it has to be done. After we break  the simulator, you all won't remember all of it, but the things you did in the future, will change history."

All four of them were a little shaken up. This was just a tricky situation for them.

"Do you all understand?" David asked, biting his lip. To be honest, he didn't really want to be in this spot. He didn't want to be responsible for this.

"But careful, the more you spend time there, will alter your brain. The more you spend time, bits of bits of your memory will fade. After you did all of it, press this button," he gave Roger a little rectangle device with a little red light. "Press it, and it'll turn green. That's the signal that I'll bring you guys back."

Roger took a shaky breath, "That's a lot of rules, you sure you don't want to write it all down?" He smiled, and the group chuckled. It was nice to make the atmosphere in the room a little lighter.

David chuckled, "Sure, I'll write it all down for you, Roger."




(And watch out for grammar and spelling errors)

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