Chapter 43: Trying to crack your code.

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Brian and Roger decided to sit down on the farthest table at the back where they can see everybody. Roger was intrigued in watching 1987 Freddie with a man. Brian didn't know Roger was reading lips until now.

"Ah!" Roger exclaimed, possible a lightbulb turning on in his brain. "His name's Jim!" He clapped in excitement.

"Eh? How'd you find that out?" Brian turned to Roger, with his arms crossed.

"I'm good at reading lips, Brian."

Brian stared at Roger with admiration, "How come I never knew that before?"

Roger scoffed, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Brian." He said.

Brian raised his eyebrows, "Is that what you think?" He remembered the dream he had, the one where Roger supposedly told his feelings towards Brian to John. "We've been together for 15 years, Rog. I don't think there's one bit of information I don't know about you, until know.." he said the last two words with a low voice that made Roger shiver. Goosebumps suddenly appeared on Roger's arms.

"Oh, f*ck off, Brian." Roger pushed Brian slightly, making the older man chuckle. Roger could feel his face become hot, so he sheepishly hid his cheeks.

The dream might not be true, but I'm going to do whatever I can for you to tell me the truth, Roger. Brian thought, and sent Roger a smile. Brian had clues, where Roger would make some signs of affection towards him. Brian might not have some patience to find out, but he'll do whatever he can.

Roger rolled his eyes, "Where's Deaky and Freddie?"

The future bassist had his hand on John, a sign of reassurance. John was a little upset when he didn't he see his future self back in 2018, but he wasn't down anymore now.

"Fix it, alright? You can do it." He gave his past self a hug. Then pulling away to look at his younger self's eyes. Still the same greenish-gray eyes, that would always shine when doing everything he loves.

Deaky nodded and saw his older leave him. He didn't notice he was still holding his tray that seemed to be gourmet food lying on top. He had a plan now, a simple one. He tell Freddie his feelings, then tell the others? John wasn't comfortable on telling his feelings so soon, but he had to listen to his older self.

He didn't realize that they were standing on the corner of the room. He casually stepped out like nothing happened. John immidiately saw Roger and Brian at the back of the room, they seemed engaged to a conversation right now. Freddie was nowhere to be found. He looked around, then he saw him. He was being dragged by a stranger, walking towards the back door. Freddie, still wearing the uniform, seemed to be giggling with a man.

John decided to follow them. But it was weird, when part of him didn't want to. This might be the first he saw Freddie smile and everything since the past days. He looked so happy, Deaky didn't even want to bother. He couldn't give Freddie a happy life... He closed his eyes tightly and shook his head. No, he might not give Freddie a happy life but all he can do is try, right?

John brought the tray with him and speed walked towards the back door. The cold wind hit him right on his face. He looked left and right. John couldn't find him until he heard some laughs erupting to his left. John scooped the food out of the tray, leaving the expensive food on the ground. He walked towards the sound. The man he never saw before, had Freddie pinned on the wall while touching him everywhere. John immidiately pulled the man from Freddie, making the man stumble backwards.

Freddie looked at John with wide eyes, his eyes were bloodshot. Freddie even had the audacity to help this stranger up.

"Freddie, get away from him!" John yelled, which Freddie immidiately obliged, since he never heard John yell aggressively before. John, with the pan on his both hand, swayed his arms, targeting the man. The metal pan made contact with the stranger's face. Making him lose consciousness.

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