Chapter 31: Substitute Brian and Roger for the day, part two.

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"My bloody hair!" Roger exclaimed, while using the towel he had used to muffle his voice. John had relentlessly patted his back. He wasn't bothered on how rough he's doing it, while he had a hand on his mouth, trying not to laugh. The older guitarist and Freddie we're too busy on doing a Scrabble game. Freddie had put the word, 'zone', and Freddie laughed evily, while the older Brian raised his eyebrows.

"Not bad, but.." He'd put his letter tiles, spelling the word, 'oxyphenbutazone'. Freddie's eyes went super wide, as if his eyeballs would fall out of his eye socket. He looked at it as if that word was longer than his life span.

"That ain't a f*cking word!" Freddie cried in despair, and grabbed the Scrabble game, and chucked it into the air.

"So is 'deacury'!" the older Brian snapped back. The front door opened,

"What even is a deacury?" John asked.

"Hello! What'd I miss-" the older percussionist walked in, with a bandaged wrapped on his left hand just like his younger self. Freddie went behind him, and pointed a sharp finger at the older guitarist, "This git didn't play fair!" He exclaimed. The older Brian only shrugged,

"You wanted to play Scrabble so.."

"But that wasn't a fair game! Hmph, I'm not playing with you anymore!" Freddie crossed his arms, and walked towards Deaky and Roger, and sat right next to them.

"Well, then next time, don't play either both Brian's. They play dirty in Scrabble." John pointed out, and the younger guitarist had walked in with his new dyed hair,

"I f*cking hate my damn life." He muttered, then he looked up. He face was apparently covered with make up since his bruises wasn't visible, and Anita even gave him those wrinkles. Now, whenever Brian looks at his older self, it felt like looking in a mirror.

"Oh god, which one is which?" Freddie teased, while Brian rolled his eyes in annoyance. Roger bursted out laughing.

"Shut up, Roger. You're going to get these fake wrinkles too."

Roger stopper laughing. "Oh, hell no!"


"We'll see you darlings later!" Freddie and John waved, trying to contain their laughter. Roger was pissed and and sent a middle finger back at them. John and Freddie couldn't contain their laughs anymore. "Have fun!" John snorted as they closed the door.

Brian huffed as he fixed his slightly wet hair. It wasn't fully curly yet and it bothered him. Roger adjusted his sunglasses, and sighed. The older Brian had volunteered to drive, along with the older percussionist.

"Hope my hair doesn't turn green again when I dye it blonde again.." Roger mumbled.

"I doubt it.." his older self replied back.

"I thought you were on my side! Especially since we're the same person!"

"Alright boys, we can all murder each other later. Now, since this is a 30 minute ride, I'll give you a slight description with all the casts alright?" The older guitarist said. Though Roger wasn't too eager to listen. They went through almost of them; Rami, Gwilym, Ben, Joe, Allen, Lucy, even the director Bryan Singer. Which they despise at the moment.

Brian took notes, which Roger was confused where he got it.

"And oh yeah, Roger," the older Brian said, referring to the younger one, "You're going to have to teach Ben how to play the drums. He lied through the auditions so.."

Roger raised his eyebrows, "You guys picked a guy who doesn't know how to play the bloody drums?" he groaned, "Nice picking actor skills, great job."

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