Chapter 28: Bruised, Dazed and Confused.

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"You sure we're not lost?"

"Come on, Brian! I know London like how I know every car brands there are!"

Brian looked at him, a bit concerned on Roger's car obsession. "What are you looking at me like that?"

Brian only broke the stare. They walked a few blocks more then he looked to his surroundings and it doesn't give him a familiar hint, lots have changed. Roger was a bit doubting himself. He lied, he doesn't even know any of these streets anymore, he looked so uncertain.

"We're lost aren't we?"

Roger nodded slowly, "Uh, yeah.. we're lost."

"And I don't suppose there's a map lying around somewhere." Brian bit his lip, "I don't even know if people use maps anymore."

Roger's head hung low, "Sorry, thought this would be a really nice gesture," he said, carefully caressing his bandaged hand. On some point, they ended up in an alleyway. Roger was slightly freaking out, so he was chanting these car brands,

"Porche, Ferarri.."

"Can you cut that out? You're scaring me!"

"It makes me calm down, Brian!"

Brian sighed as they walked out the alleyway, but 3 thugs were to block their way.

"Oh, sh*t.." Brian mumbled. It's not that late in the evening and now they're maybe about to die.

"So, how about this," the hooded thug spoke, walking towards Brian and Roger who took a step back. Roger was this close to cling himself on Brian.

"You both will give us your money or," the man stopped as he whipped out a pocket knife. "Or we'll have to do this the hard way."

Roger blurted, "I mean, you don't have to whip out your knife to look all scary and strong. Guess what? You're a b*tch!"

Brian's eyes widened, "What the hell, Roger?!" he exclaimed, as the 3 thugs came running up their way.


John softly got out of the bed, he took a deep breath as he opened the door, to his relief, Freddie wasn't there. He didn't want to Freddie right now. John made his way to the stairs, "Brian? Roger?" he called. As he got to the living room, he saw Brian severely bruised up while Roger was completely fine.

"What happened?" John ran up to them, while Brian looked at him with his cheeks bruised. He was lucky he didn't get a black eye, his lips were bleeding though.

"We- he got mugged.." Roger spoke, as he was carefully wiping Brian's lips, "Uh, Brian took all the punches." Roger bit his lip, he regretted not interfering and helped Brian, he was supposed to be the one being punched since he didn't a lot of good things today.

"I-I'm fine," Brian said, but his voice trembled.

"It's alright," John reassured, "Lie down. Roger can you get some ice for me, please?"

Roger nodded, as he jogged to the kitchen. Gosh, how he wanted to be in Brian's place, he didn't deserve this. Brian could've easily gave up the money, but they didn't have time. It was all Roger's fault for blurting like that. And he didn't really understand why Brian wasn't mad at him, he had all the rights to be. But he didn't choose to.

He grabbed the ice, and gave it to John. The John grabbed the towel Roger used to wipe Brian's lip, and covered the ice with it. "Here, put it on your cheek."

"Thank you.." Brian said, but with a whisper.

Roger couldn't bare it, "I'm so sorry, Brian. I should've helped you.." Instead of Brian ignoring him, he had the urge to smile.

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