Chapter 17: Hospitalized.

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A bit of reminder, if I put just Brian or Roger that means I'm addressing the younger version. so basically just read carefully alright? okay on to the storyy

John's POV.

What the hell?

I slowly opened my eyes, I felt like I've been hit in the head. Bright white lights filled my vision, at this point I thought I was in heaven. I swear if I see Jesus right now.. I saw an IV needle on my arm, and cringed at the sight. I hated needles, and where am I? Oh, I'm at the hospital, but why? I looked around and I was alone.

The room itself looked really futuristic. I closed my eyes, trying to remember what happened before this. I was walking, yeah, then I saved this man- that man. The man I saved, did he hit me or-

More memories filled my head, and I remembered the man was me. I narrowed my eyes at the thought, that was me! I shook my head, no way that dude is miraculously me, pretty embarrassing that I blacked out in front of him. I sat up, wincing at the head pain. Black dots suddenly appeared, as I was trying to blink, hoping they'd disappear. I sighed in relief, and found a wall clock above the door. 7:27 pm.

Sh*t. The three might be worried right now. I can't just escape, I can't do that, I can't just pull this horrid needle out of my arm. Then I noticed I was wearing some hospital gown, they took my clothes! I loved that jumper I was wearing!

My hair isn't helping either, they were blocking my eyes. I looked at the window and the rain wasn't pouring hard like it did before. The door opened, quickly I lay down and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep.


Brian's POV.

"Sh*t," Freddie cursed, for I looked up from my book and I cringed at his language. "Deaky, has been gone for 3 and a half hours, Bri! We need to find him!" He tugged on his short hair, pacing back and forth.

I sighed, "I think he's fine, Fred. He'll be back." I reassured.

"What if he was kidnapped or, or-"

The front door opened, with a greet of, "'Ello! We're back!" I watched as Freddie's face lit up, "Deaky! We've been worried-" Turns out it wasn't Deaky. My older self with Roger's older self came in, while Freddie frowned, "You guys are not John."

"Well, no sh*t, Sherlock." The older drummer said, who scoffed.

Freddie rested his hands on his hips, "You know darling, for your age, I didn't know you'd still act like a b*tch,"

Roger's older self glared at Freddie. I raised my eyebrow, I bit my lip, refusing to let out a giggle. "Oh, sod off, Brian!" the older Roger snarked, raising his middle finger at me. Well, a proof that he still acts like the younger Roger. I smirked and continued reading my book.

"F*CK!" I scream echoed through the hallway, which made me drop my book, while the 3 jumped in surprise. I jogged  to the kitchen, "Roger?" I called. I looked around and I saw Roger laying down the floor, with amount of blood on the floor.

"Roger?" I panicked, I looked over and I saw him clutching his bleeding hand, "Oh, no.."

He was sobbing from the pain, and I slid my hands under his knees and back, carrying him. "What the hell-" I walked right past Freddie, "We need to go to the hospital!" I exclaimed, all 3 of them didn't say a word but quickly went to the car.

Me, Roger and Fred were in the backseat, while my older self and Roger's we're in the front. I looked down at Roger, who was still clutching his hand, "Shh, it's alright." I cooed, trying calm him.

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