Chapter 11: Moving in.

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John's POV

We were all gathered in a little table, a bit far away, so no one can hear or see. Still, a little hope flickered inside me, if my older self might be somewhere in this library too.

"—then, yeah we stumbled across this library to hide, and then now we're here." Brian finished. The older version of Roger and Brian were a tad confused. "It's fine," I reassured, "it's hard to wrap your head around on what's going on.." I quietly added.

"Still doesn't explain on how you got here." the older Brian pointed out.

Freddie shrugged, "That's all we know, darling."

"We were going to find you guys, to ask for help, really." Roger spoke, "We didn't know that you were here too."

The older Roger looked at his past self, "What could we possibly help?"

"Um, we were wondering if you could tell us what we missed in those 34 years or so.." I was twiddling with my thumbs, while Freddie was a little bit fidgeting in his seat.

The older Brian sighed, "We could, but we couldn't tell you everything."

Freddie furrowed his eyebrows, "Why not?"

"You don't want to spoil us, don't you?" Brian asked, "Cause, if you did, our future might change. Songs that we wrote after '84 might not be the same if we came back?" Now, that I think of it that actually made sense. What if we came back and didn't wrote the song that we should've had?

"Exactly." the older Brian nodded.

"But can you tell us other details?" I suggested, "What happened to our lives, just something we need to know."

The older men looked at each other, and looked back at us. "We will, but not here. I suppose you guys don't have somewhere to stay?" older Roger asked.

"Well, we have the hot—" Brian answered, but interrupted by Freddie nudging him on the shoulder, "Uh, we do not have a place to stay." Roger looked at him, confused, "What about our hote—" but Freddie nudged him like he did with Brian.

I heard the older Brian mumbled, "Same old, Freddie." he chuckled slightly.

A bit of disappointment filled me. I was actually looking forward to meet my future self, I wouldn't even have the same reaction as Roger and Brian. I sighed softly.

"Well, okay then!" the older version of the drummer chirped. "You guys can all stay at Brian's place," he looked at the older Brian who looked at him as if he was out of his mind. I'm guessing he wouldn't want us to stay in his place, actually I would maybe to the same thing to. Pretty strange having your past self in one building. I would maybe go mad if I had to experience that.

"I'm sure Anita wouldn't mind." the older drummer added. The guitarist wasn't really fond of the idea, but he gave in and nodded.

"You guys can all stay at my place."


The ride there was a bit long, I was surprised we fit in the car. All 4 of us were squished in the backseat, which is illegal, the maximum limit of is 3 people in the backseat only. But the older Brian and Roger didn't seem to mind.

"Whoever is touching my leg, you better stop it!" Freddie hissed.

"God, I feel like I'm sandwiched right now." I groaned. Being by the window is a bad idea, still I opened the window slightly, which is weird 'cause all you have to do is press a button. This really is the future. While everyone is being sandwiched, Roger was asking his older-self  bunch of ridiculous questions like;

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