Chapter 42: Don't let him go.

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Idk but i feel like i didn't do good in this chapter..

Deaky was too busy looking at his future self's eyes. He didn't see his future self back in 2018, but he didn't knew it was this terrifying seeing your own self. Past Roger called out to Deaky.

"'Ey, Johnny!" Roger called, but not his real voice. He used a fake Scouse accent, which was pretty good. "Why don't ye come over 'ere for a second?!" While Freddie and the three musicians at the table suddenly turned to the drummer who just yelled from across the room. (this is what i get for reading too much beatle fanfics)

"Who the hell is that Paul McCartney impersonator over there?" the future drummer asked.

John didn't know he was holding his breath, he let it out quickly and smiled at the group, meaning he's leaving them. "Wait," 1987 John interrupted his leave, as he held his wrist. "Can I talk to you later, if that's alright?"

"Ooh, you gonna give him a lecture, Deaks?" the older drummer leaned forward at John's future self.

1987 John shook his head and chuckled, "No, it's just I want to know how he'd get that mushroom hair like I did back in 1984," he shrugged. Deaky furrowed his eyebrows at the response.

"Johnny!" Roger called again, still with the fake accent, which made his older self tick.

"Just f*cking wait, McCartney! We're talking to him!" Future Roger yelled across the room. Freddie had tried to fight the urge of laughing hysterically.

Roger secretly let out his middle finger to his older self, he wasn't even bothered that he was showing it to his older self. Brian came out of nowhere and saw it,

"That's very immature of you, Roger."

Deaky came back to them, while breathing heavily, "Holy crap, I am not going back there."

"Well, what did he say to you?" Roger asked.

"Future Deaky wants to talk to me later," He paused, and took another deep breath, "-which I don't want to."

"Alright, we'll deal with that later, but for now," Brian nodded towards the non-moustached Freddie. They all walked away to their little meet up, like nothing happened. They all watched future Freddie interacting with one of the guests. The four did their jobs as waiters, served food and everything.

Still, nothing has happened. Brian was now doubting this. What if David was just lying to them. Doesn't seem like nothing is gonna happen. Then, Brian noticed future Freddie holding hands with another man. He had a thick moustache just like Freddie had..

Roger walked towards Brian, and looked to where he was looking. "Holy sh*t, who's that?"

"I-I don't know.."

While Deaky was peacefully serving food like he was really a waiter, with nothing planned on doing, he felt a hand grasp his wrist. Deaky looked back, alarmed. He almost dropped the tray.

"Hey, calm down, it's just me.. or you," Deaky's future self appeared out of nowhere, almost giving Deaky a sheer heart attack.

"Uhm, uh-"

"I know why you guys are here. David sent you, didn't he?"

Deaky tried to lie, "Who's David? You talking about Bowie?"

His future self rolled his eyes, "Stop faking. We both have the same voice. It's no use of lying."

"Alright, then how do you know about David?"

"I'll tell you the truth. This is a time loop, David had told you all about. You're here to save Freddie. Now, I know how it went since I was at your place once, and I remember this happening as well. It.. didn't end so well." his head hung low.

John backed away, "You're saying we won't be able to save Freddie?" He quivered. His heart started pounding, he was starting to panic.

The future bassist shook his head, "No. Fred.. he already got the virus, and I'm still upset about we didn't manage to-" he choked back a sob, "-to save him. But you can. Right now."

"How? Tell me, please."

"I know how Freddie still has feelings for you. I know, since I was on your spot back then. I rejected him, knowing I has the same feelings. I thought it was all wrong and it was all my fault. If I hadn't done that," he looked back at Freddie, who was on the other side of the spacious room. "He wouldn't have that sick virus by now."

John bit his lip. He looked at the sight before him. His other self trying to hold his sobs. It was so heartbreaking, that he would just want to cry with him.

"So, I'm asking you, to go to him. This time travelling won't save him while you can right now. Tell him how you feel, and please.. don't let him go. It's the only chance."

Deaky stood there, frozen. He managed to nod his head with determination. If this is how life is gonna twist the story, then John was absolutely ready. He looked at the older bassist who had tears threatening to drop,

"Tell me more..." Deaky softly spoke, "How do you know all of this while the rest seemed normal, like nothing happened 3 years ago for them?"

"I can't tell much but, after the heist.. everybody was devastated. Those three years have passed very slowly. Roger drowned himself with alcohol, Brian dwelled with his depression, and Freddie fell through a much deeper hole of drugs. They did anything they can to forget, and they did..." 1987 John's voice seemed to fade away word by word until he was silent. Memories of those dreadful days were too much to bare.

Deaky looked down, almost feeling the same sadness his future self was feeling. "W-what about you?"

"I didn't do anything... I was too immersed of trying to help them feel better, while I didn't have the time to make myself better."


Okay that was a little depressing, i had to stop and read that last sentence and i just really felt sad

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Okay that was a little depressing, i had to stop and read that last sentence and i just really felt sad.. poor deaky. i thought it was only you guys who are getting affected, but turns out.. im getting affected too :((

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