Chapter 14: The Internet, part one.

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August 6, 2018

Roger's POV.

I woke up with the sun's radiant light beaming into my face, "Jesus, please turn your stupid light off.." I croaked, my voice was hoarse. Putting the blanket over me, as I was just about to fall into a deep sleep again, I was cutoff by this arsehole.

"Roger! ROGER!"

"What the f*ck do you want, Brian?" I mumbled, "Wake up! It's 10:30!"

"So?!" I huffed, putting a pillow over my head, trying to block all the noise that was coming off his mouth.

"Get up, you lazy arse!" I heard Brian walking towards the bed, and suddenly took the pillow over my head. Then threw my blankets, still I was wearing the same clothes we bought 2 days ago. Brian walked out and I groaned, scratching my head and stood up.

I climbed down the stairs, and already smelled the scent of pancakes and bacon. Holy hell, yes! I thought, I slightly jogged to the kitchen, only Brian standing there.

"Hm, where's the other one?" I asked. Then I sat, simply drowning my pancake with lots of maple syrup then munching on it.

"Uhm, well he left last night, saying something about going to a movie set.." he answered. Movie set? Since when did Brian had an interest on movies? Well, I don't doubt that the movie is possibly sci-fi. His back was facing to me and I couldn't help but look down at his-

"He still hasn't come back?" I asked, trying to distract myself. Brian shook his head, "Nope."

"Roger, would you mind waking up Freddie and John? I'm busy here at the moment." he said, flipping a pancake. "Alright," I grumbled. Leaving my spot and went back down stairs. Making my way to Deaky's room first. I was on the mood to shout right now, so might as well do it to wake him up.

I opened the door carefully and saw, John drooling slightly, while next to him is covered by a blanket. Probably a pillow, I thought.

"WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEAD!" I yelled, making John open his eyes in shock, while I heard another voice, "What the f*ck?" underneath the blanket, the person beside Deaky sat up. Holy sh*t, it was Freddie!

"OH!" I exclaimed, running out of the room, "Jesus!!" I climbed down the stairs as fast as I can. Brian was sitting down alone at the table reading a newspaper, then he looked at me, "What was that all about?" Taking a sip on his coffee.

"Freddie and John slept together on the same bed!" I declared, making Brian spit all his coffee on his newspaper. "What?!" then dropped the newspaper on the table.

I nodded my head vigorously, "I saw them sleeping together! Just now!"

Freddie and John walked into the kitchen, while John had this sheepish expression on his face. "Care to explain, Deaky? Fred?" Brian looked at them with narrowed eyes.

"Don't be absurd, darling!" Freddie said, his voice defensive, "We didn't have sex! I just fell asleep with John, that's all!" he answered, giving me a glare when he finished his sentence, making me stick his tongue on him. "Besides, John's straight. I don't see the logic of us having an intercourse." he crossed his arms. while Deaky was blushing madly.

"Deaky, what's your defence?" I looked at him, his wild hair sticking up in every place, he nodded his head, "Freddie's right, we didn't do anything!" he squeaked, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

I burst into laughter, as I replayed what happened 3 minutes ago in my mind, then earning a whack at the back of my head by Freddie. "Shut the f*ck up, Roger." he scolded.

"Alright, alright. Let's get a move on, and eat your breakfast." Brian sighed.

After eating our breakfast, Deaky wanted to get some fresh air, while Freddie went to take a shower upstairs. Bored, I looked at Brian who was occupied by a book. I looked around and I realized I haven't explored the house yet. Then I discovered of what I thought is another living room.

Jesus, how many living rooms does he need? But it seemed different from the other one, looking around and I found one of those electronics we saw at Best Buy, the one you might call a 'laptop', sitting untouched on top of a desk.

I raised my eyebrow, curious winning over me. I walked around the desk and took a seat. Lifting the top part of it, then the screen lit up to life. Then, a simple background appeared at the screen, and there's a text below it saying, 'Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete' Uhm, how do you do this?

"BRIAN!" I called. Look, when in doubt, just call Brian he'd know what to do in every situation. Oh wait, mostly every situation.

"Where are you?" Brian slightly yelled, not far away. "I'm right here!" I called.

"And where the f*ck is 'here'?!"

I sighed in annoyance, and rolled my eyes. "Just follow my voice, damnit!"

After 2 minutes, I saw his mop of hair passing the room, "In here!" then, he turned around. "What do you want, Roger?"

"I need your help."

He entered the room, his annoyed face turned into an awe. He looked around the room with so many books, that I could feel that he's gonna read all of it. "Save it for later, Brian." I rolled my eyes, then looked at the screen. He walked towards me, then bent down. His face centimetres away from the screen making me blush and jealous at the same time, I wish I was that screen-

"Hm, should be easy.." He clicked 3 keys together, and immediately the screen changed. 'Password' it says. I groaned, "Now what?"

"Why are you doing this in the first place anyways?" He looked at me, his face was so close I feel like I'm going to faint. His hazel eyes seemed to twinkle and I can't stop staring at him. "Roger?"

I broke the eye contact, blushing slightly, then shrugged. "I don't know, I guess it's just my curiosity of learning what the future is." I replied, he raised his eyebrows on me, then looked back at the screen.

"Well, I don't know what the password here, so.."

"Christ, you guys are the same person! You should know!"

"Uh.." His slender fingers tapping on the keys, then pressing the 'enter button.' Then the screen changed, to what seemed a badger picture for a background, making me frown.

"What did you put in for the password?" I asked.

He blushed slightly, "Uhm, Badger39." I rolled my eyes.

His loving for badgers are too much.


Hey! oof.

Welp, I rlly got nothing to say here, but since I just hit 3k im adding another chapter, just scroll down! :)))

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