Chapter 34: Back to normal?

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John's POV.

I groaned, still with my eyes closed. I can feel my head throbbing with tremendous pain. I felt like I was going to puke, my eyes were blurry. The white lights wasn't helping at all. After a few minutes, my vision was clear. I looked around, and noticed that they were these stickers with a wire, sticked to my arm. Even on my temples.

I felt like I was in a experiment, which I was.. I looked around my surroundings. The walls were white, seemed like a lab, and we were stuck in this weird chamber thing that made me panic.

Still, I was confused what was going on. The last thing I knew was.. right.. the disintegrating thing, and the kiss. That bloody kiss.. I looked at my right and saw Brian. He was blinking and also in the same state as me. Poor bloke.. to my left was Roger as well. I sat up quickly looking for Freddie.

I took those weird stickers that was on my arm, and one of the screens that might be detecting my heartbeat goes to a straight line.

Okay, what the hell?

I stood up, and looked over to the three, they were stirring up. Roger was the first one to sit up, then Brian and Freddie.

"Ah, sh*t.." Roger cursed, "My head.." He ran his hand through his white dyed hair, same with Brian that made them look ridiculous, and their make up was wearing off.

"Where are we?" Brian looked at me, and I told him what I remembered.  Seeing Freddie and myself disappear like that gave me a shiver down my spine. As I finished, Roger spoke,

"That's what happened to both of us! F*ck.. where are we?" He stood up, and banged the glass of the chamber slightly.

"We're in some kind of laboratory.." I answered. I looked towards Freddie and he looked down on the floor. Maybe he was recalling everything that happened before this.

"Freddie, are you alright?" Brian asked.

"I-I'm alright, darling. I'm just feeling queasy." Freddie blinked. Brian stood up, and cupped his face on the window. He squinted his eyes, trying to see something. I walked towards him. He surely might've been looking at the calendar, that I hadn't noticed.

"Oh my god.." Brian mumbled. Then he looked at me. "We're back." He said in a small voice, but since we're in a small room, the 2 heard it. He pointed at the calendar.

"We're back in 1984?" Roger seemed like he was excited to go home, and just relax and forget that nothing happened.

Freddie shook his head, "B-but, we can't.. sh*t! I should've asked my questions already, if I f*cking hadn't sidetracked!" What did he mean about 'sidetracked'? Did he mean that if he didn't kissed me, we would've asked his questions anyways? So much stuff had been swirling my mind..

Whatever questions he wanted to be answered, was probably related to him- I can't. I can't f*cking say it.. didn't that store clerk we had talked to when we were in 2018 told us that Freddie died? When will that occur?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard faint steps, sounded like somebody was running. The door opened, and revealed somewhat a middle aged man with a lab coat.

"Hey! Man with the coat?!" Roger waved his hands around.

The man gaped his mouth with shocked, and clearly I didn't recognize him. He jogged towards us, and he seemed to be happy at the fact that we're back.

"It worked! Oh my god.." He said, but through the glass it was muffled.

The man entered a code to get us out of here. "Quick! Come on out you guys go." He said.

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