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"So then it's settled! The party will be four days from now. Taehyung,  can you mail out the invitations?" Hoseok asked. 

"Who the hell still uses mail?" Jungkook snorted making the boys roll their eyes. "Fucking millennial," Jin whispered.

Hoseok looked on in amusement, as did I.

"But Jungkook," Hoseok started.

"In four days, you'll no longer be a fledgling pledge. Remember that."

Jungkook smiled as the boy started giving him high fives.

"So Taehyung, do you think you can do that for me?"

I nodded simply, grabbing my phone and keys and invited from his hand.

"Thank you,"

"No problem,"

I shrugged on my jacket, leaving the Delta home.

Rushing to my car, my phone started ringing and across the screen read,

"Princess 👀😝👅❤"

I smiled, remembering when she put the excessive emojis after her nickname.

"Hey baby," I smiled.

"Hi Taehyung," she responded, a cheerful tone in her voice.

"Whatcha doing today? I'm bored," I heard her pout.

"I'm delivering invitations for this party," I start.

"You wanna help?"

"Yes! I've always wanted to do a lil cosplay as a mail lady delivering this pus-"

"Aahhhhh  I'm on my way!" I cut her off, hearing her crack up on the other line.

"Okay baby,"

She hung up and I say in the car, going through the envelopes.

"The sororities.. obviously, " I murmer as I keep going.

"Jackie and I.... Jimin and.... Jimin and Madelyn?!"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

I though Hoseok didn't like her....


"Absolutely not!!" Madelyn protested.

Jackie and I were finally done delivering and now her, Jimin,  and Madelyn were in my car.

"Pleeeeassseeee? It'll be so much fun I promise," Jackie whined.

Madelyn rolled her eyes, giving into her pouts and puppy eyes... I knew I wasn't the only one that fell for that every time.

"Yes, fine, I'll go!"

Jimin stayed silent, head on Madelyn's shoulder. I smiled through the mirror at them.



"She's been waiting on you to ask her out for some time now." Taehyung mentioned to me.

I sighed.  "Really?"

He nodded. "Jackie told me she's been talking about you nonstop, wondering when you would ask her out."

I sighed.

"Taehyung you know I don't wanna put her through that mess with my past. I mean, what if Yugyeom tries to make a move or something?" I ask.

"Yugyeom is in the past. I think we'd all like to keep it that way." I say.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just give me some time alright?"

"Well... At least let her know you're interested. Single girls like that don't stay single for long." He retorts.

I nod. "I know... I just wanna take things slow right now."

"Your call."

w/c: 453

This was just something to get us through the story smoothly. What does Yugyeom have to do with Jimin's past? Find out next time on DRAGON BALL ZZZZZZZ!!!!

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