twenty seven

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After seventeen hours we finally left the hospital, Jimin was driving, not saying a word. Taehyung and Jackie were also silent. I sat in the passenger seat, too weak to wipe away the constant tears falling from my eyes. I held the little pink jar that carried Jaydah's ashes. Yes, that is what her name would have been.

We pulled up in front of Taehyung's home and Jimin looked back at them. They silently got out. I thought they were going into the house when my door opened, and I was engulfed in a hug. It was Tae. "I'm so sorry, Madelyn... If you ever need us we're always here for you, okay?" he rubbed my back and I nodded.

He pulled away and I looked up at Jackie, tears brimming her eyes. She pulled my into a tight hug, starting to break down once again.

"I love you so much okay? Call me alright??" she pleaded. I nodded, hugging her back just as tight.

She closed the door as Taehyung pulled her into a hug, walking her to their home.

I felt bad for her in all honesty. She was excited to have a god daughter.

Jimin looked over at me, turning the car completely off. We just stared at each other until finally I broke down in tears, kicking at the dashboard. He quickly pulled me from my seat to sit me on his lap, wrapping himself around me, kissing my forehead.

He held me tightly as I let out screams as loud as possible, rubbing my back. "I know it hurts." He could only whisper.

w/c 269

This was a really short filler. :( sorry to say, but there may only be a few chapters left.

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