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"One cappucchino please," I tell the barista.

"Two," my friend, Jackie, assures the barista.

"One." I repeat.

"Two. "



"Two.. wait!"

"Then it's settled. Two cappuccinos please!" Jackie beams. I sigh in defeat, paying the barista reluctantly.


"You really need to stop stressing over this theatre project. I am sure you'll be gucci. " Jackie smiles to me, sipping her drink.

i rubbed my temples.

"Look you'll be fine.. fine fine FINE!!" she says, eyeballs nearly bulging out of their sockets.


"Gurlllllll I see seven hunks at twelve o' clock." she smiled, playing with her hair.

I glanced over to see seven men, seven gorgeous men at that and blinked hard.

My eyes scanned over each of them and...

"is that...?"

No, it couldn't fucking be.

Jung fucking Hoseok?

Yes indeed it was. Jung Hoseok in all his assholeness.

"Girlll I got my eyes on the red haired one with all that gucci on, ooooohhhh~!" Jackie swooned.

"Which one you want? how I look?"
she looked at herself through her phone.

"Wait wait wait what are you gonna do?" I asked, my eyes as big as saucers.

I glanced back and noticed the silver haired man staring at me. He has pink plump lips. He gave a small smile and winked.

"I said which one do you want? I'm going in. "

Before I could protest, she stood, adding another layer of lipstick.

"Which one? Last chance. " she smirked.

"Fine, the one with grey hair." I say quickly. She smiled brightly and left me, confidently sashaying over to the men.

I had no idea what she said, but it made all of the men look over at me. The silver haired man smiled at me yet again, waving. I smiled, giving a shy wave.

And then, I met eyes with Hoseok. It was for a split second but he gave a look, furrowing his eyebrows as if he was trying to read my mind, trying to remember me.

he can't remember me right?

She finished up her conversation and made her way back over to me, smiling. Giggling.

She sat down and smiled at me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Expect a text from mister Park Jimin himself in three... two.."

My phone buzzed.

I looked at her with wide eyes, in disbelief. She smirked.

"Are you gonna answer that?"

Picking up my phone, my mouth dropped.

from unknown number:

Hi, Miss Madelyn. ;)

I looked over to the man again, he smiled, giving yet another wink.

to unknown number:

Hi. Jimin, I presume?

I sat, waiting for him to respond. when my phone buzzed, I nearly knocked over my drink to pick up my phone, making Jackie laugh.

from jimin :

Yes. Your friend must have told you. I'd like to get to know you if that's okay.

I smiled at my phone.

to jimin:

I would love that very much.


"So mister Jimin. tell me about yourself," I bit my lip smiling, walking around me and Jackie's shared home.

"Well I'm a major in the arts. I want to be a professional dancer," he said on the other line of the phone.

"Really? so am I! well, for the arts. For creative writing. I want to write a play someday, or maybe publish a book, I dunno. "

I heard him chuckle. "So you write stories and poetry I assume,"

I nod although he couldn't see me.

"Yeah. I've wanted to write since high school. "

"Really? did you write plays and such then?" He asked.

I paused, thinking of what hoseok told me before.

'your writing is garbage. you'll never get anywhere with that shit.'

"Well uh... not really. " I lie.

"I have an idea. what time is it?" He asked. I looked at my phone, checking the time. "It's 6:21.." I respond.

"...I have a performance tonight at 7:30. It would be nice if you came to support. It's at the ballroom in the arts department. " he says quickly, as if he had been waiting to say it for a while.

"Wait... You want me to come?" I ask.

"Of course! Afterwards we can maybe go for some food. My treat."

"..So like a date. It's a little early in the friendship, Park Jimin," I smirked.
"For all I know you could be planning to kill me," I joke.

"I-.. N-no, not like a-.. a date... An outing I guess?" He stammered and I could tell he was smiling.

I smiled.
"Sure! Yeah. I'd love to go on a 'not date' with you. "

I heard him laugh on the other end.

"I'll see you then. I have to go, I'm going to get ready for tonight."

"O-okay! I'll see you tonight!" I say a little too excitedly.

I heard him chuckle on the other end.



I hung up and stared at my phone.
"Damn.. three hours..." I smiled to myself.

I collapsed backwards onto my bed, closing my eyes with the same dopey smile on my face.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH BIIIIIIIIIIIITCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" My eyes shot open to hear Jackie's screech.

She ran in, towel wrapped around her, a big ass smile on her face.

I sat up quickly. "What?! What is it?"

She squealed. "Okay so I may or may not have eavesdropped when I was getting out of the tub but from the sounds of it, you're going on a date with Mister Park Jimiiiinnnnn!!!!"

She giggled loudly, placing her hand on my cheek. "You're growing up on me. You finally got a man. " she wiped a fake tear away.

"He's not my man! We're just friends, " I say, smiling a little.

w/c: 942

I hope you all had a lovely day. Don't be a silent reader!

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